The First Local Pastoral Mission – Cebu City, June 2022

June 15-18, 2022

Sis Rosario (Maro) Anyog

Sis. Techie Rodriguez (Elder-Founder) and Bro Froilan Hong (Co-founder and TLF Executive Board) conducted their first Pastoral Mission in our Cebu Chapter. Visiting the chapters in Cebu and Davao has been a yearly routine by Sis Techie (Sor) and Bro. Froi (except during the pandemic). The TLF Mission team comprised Bro. Allan Almendrala, Head Steward (SEND), Deputy Head Steward Sis. Judith A. (New Gen), Stewards Bro. Rene A. (SEND) and Sis. Maro A. (Equip), and Sis. Dinah S. (Special Events). Hence, the pastoral visit aimed to assess the current situation/condition of the local chapter in Cebu and to conduct training for its leaders and members.

June 15 (Wednesday)
Bro. Philip and Bro Eric of Cebu Chapter who met the Mission Team at the airport treated Sor and the rest of the TLF group to a sumptuous lunch at the JPark Resort in Lapu Lapu City. After lunch, Sor who wanted to maximize the limited time/stay in Cebu immediately conducted “A Leadership Training”. She reminded the participants/leaders that their physical presence and influence is necessary, that they should be spiritually matured (James1: 27; Gal.6); that they should be prayerful to know the direction of the community (2 Thess.3:3; Lk. 10), and that they should have a hidden life with God. The day ended with a dinner feast with the core group leaders of Cebu Chapter at the Roadside Stk. House, owned and managed by Bro. Eric


June 16 (Thursday)
Day two was a continuation of the Leadership Training held at the lobby of Cebu Parklane International Hotel where the Mission Team was billeted. Amidst the hustle and bustle of the place, Soar managed to discuss the characteristics of a good leader (2Tim. 1:6; 4:1-5; Rom. 8:26; Jn. 14:25-26). After lunch at a nearby restaurant, Soar resumed training at the  Humabon Function Room, this time attended by the core leaders and members. They were delighted and exuberant to meet Soar and the rest of the Mission Team after almost three long years. Moreover, she warned them that leaders should not be complacent, should always be cautious of the works of the enemy, should be decisive, should be obedient to God’s will and should be willing to be equipped. Similarly, they should “practice what they preach” and “preach what they practice.“ The day ended with a delicious dinner treat at the AA BBQ Rest.


June 17 (Friday)
The morning session was handled by Bro. Froi at the Juana Function Room. He explained about Shema, the Lord’s Flock Way of Life, giving emphasis on the LF Vision-Mission, the Roman Catholic Church Hierarchy, the LF organizational structure and the current TLF IT upgrading. At the same time, Soar met with some core leaders to know the current condition of the Chapter. After a quick lunch, Soar continued with the training of the leaders and members. Before the 7p.m. praise and worship, Soar had a heart-to-heart talk with each of the youth leaders and members of the Chapter’s Psalm Ministry. The dialogue ended with the youth leaders committing to mend their ways and to serve again. The success of the visit was shown during “praise and worship “that ended at about 9:30pm. The Pastoral Mission headed by Soar was so timely because it brought hope, joy and restoration to the faithful leaders and members who were with the Chapter ever since it started. The team, together with Fr. Cris Donayre Suan, were treated to a late dinner at the Roadside STK House.



June 18- Saturday
The TLF Team checked out early to catch their 10:05 a.m. flight for Manila. Unfortunately, their flight was delayed for eight hours that, upon arrival at the NAIA Terminal 2, they proceeded directly to the LF Heritage to attend the General Assembly which was still ongoing. Each of the Team members shared their awesome Cebu experience to the assembly, giving thanks and glory to God for the success of the mission.

To God be the Glory!




" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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