Mission Hong Kong: Anniversary and Spirit Empowerment Seminar- January 24-25, 2023

Written by: Bro Froilan Hong and Sis Jo Advincula

Scribes Ministry


The Lord’s Flock Catholic Charismatic Community (LF) is off to a great start as our Elder-Founder Sis Techie Rodriguez (Soar) and Co-Founder Bro Froilan Hong eagerly went on their first International Mission for 2023.  As the covid protocols in Hong Kong  (HK) were finally relaxed in early January, 2023, our Elders were  able to visit the LF Hong Kong Chapter for the first time in three years. Accompanying Soar and  Bro Froi were Sis Lea Tapispisan (Head Steward of Pastor Ministry) , and Bro Mel Capistrano. Upon arrival on  January  24, Tuesday, 10 am,  they were met  at the HK International Airport by Sis Cristine Mahjen, Sis Amelita Marquez, and Sis Eleanor Gabriel. Indeed, the Lunar New Year’s  3-day holiday provided a perfect opportunity to celebrate the HK Chapter’s 33rd  Anniversary, cascade the 2023 REKINDLE theme, appoint the 2023 Stewards and Leaders of the 6 HK Chapters, and to conduct a long-awaited Spirit Empowerment Seminar.


Hong Kong Chapter’s 33rd Anniversary Celebration and  2023 REKINDLE Theme,   Day 1, January 24, 2023   

The mission Team were brought directly to the venue, the  Holy Family Parish in Choi Hung, to  join the festive anniversary celebration. They were warmly acknowledged by the congregation, composed of the 6 HK Chapters, namely: Holy Family Choi Hung Sunday and Saturday, Notre Dame, St, Anthony, St, Alfred, and Sts. Peter and Paul. When Soar saw the  entire group of  Hong Kong chapters gathered together, she  was overcome with emotion and cried with joy for this event was the Lord’s Flock’s  first face-to-face meeting  after 3 years of pandemic.


In the afternoon session, Soar presented the LF Community’s 2023 theme – REKINDLE. The community has to rekindle the fire and the passion for the Lord  that was abruptly doused by the pandemic.The 3 years of hibernation resulted in inertia  – the members have become so used to the comfort and convenience of staying at home, participating via the virtual world and connecting by zoom technology. After Soar’s Talk, she led the 108  attendees/members in prayers and the singing of the Servant song.

Subsequently, Bro Froilan Hong appointed the 2023 Stewards and Small Group Leaders and handed their  Certificates of Consecration:

Holy Family Chapter: Saturday Chapter: Sis Lari Diaz and Sis.Susan Gadon                                                                 Sunday Chapter:    Sis. Mary Joy Noneza

Notre Dame Chapter:                   Sis Cristine Majhen

St. Alfred Chapter:                         Sis. Dolores Chapter

St. Anthony Chapter:                    Sis Chello Anog

Sts. Peter and Paul Chapter:      Sis Lourdes Tuzon

Spirit Empowerment Seminar

Day 2, Jan 25, 2023 

On the second day, January 25, 2023, Sis. Techie Rodriguez conducted the Spirit Empowerment Seminar with 116 participants, composed of 70 LF members and 46 guests.  Soar started the morning session with the background on how she was brought to the charismatic renewal thru the persistence and the prayers of her mother. Subsequently, the video on the TLF Primer and the origins of the Charismatic renewal in the Catholic Church was shown to the attendees.

Soar’s presentations of the SES topics were capsulized due to time constraint. It was done through stories which were full of humor and funny demonstration of how not to praise and worship. Through her heartwarming  stories,  she captured the  participants’ attention who were able to relate and  see themselves living in every story that they were hearing from Soar.

With the remaining time of 20 minutes before the 5:00 pm the start of the Holy mass, the Holy Spirit demonstrated how quickly He can move that an hour of baptism was done in 20 minutes. Nonetheless, Sis Techie was literally flowing in the Holy Spirit’s anointing that the 46 candidates were very visibly touched, as manifested by their uncontrollable tears.



As finale, Fr. Johnson Dhos, DVD and Fr. Natalius celebrated the Holy Mass.

Congratulations on TLF Hong Kong!

To God be the Glory!


" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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