On September 1, 2016, nineteen missionaries from The Lord’s Flock Catholic Charismatic Community took a plane to Africa to go on a mission. I was blessed to be one of them. It was my first time to travel outside my country, and the trip was extra special for me because I would be serving the Lord. From the heritage to the long flight to Entebbe, I was full of excitement. When we arrived in Lugazi, Uganda, the people there gave us a very warm welcome. Even though we were really tired, I was looking forward to all the things that would happen.

On the first day of our mission trip, we went to a school full of students from all over Uganda to hold a Singles and Youth Faith On Fire conference for them. They had a lot of questions for us, regarding true faith, the illuminati, the priests, the pope, and many more. They seemed very confused about the things they see online and on the news. But by the grace of God, the speakers were able to answer them and clear things up. They soon heard the testimonies (nuggets) from four young missionaries about being enlightened through the Bible, Prayer, Community and Service. They found themselves deeply immersed in the skits that came after. The crowd seemed very unresponsive during the Praise and Worship, and we had a struggle trying to hype them up. But in the end, they were all raising their hands up to God, singing, “Set a fire down in my soul, that I can’t control, I want more of You, God.” It was in those moments when I felt the Holy Spirit move through each and everyone of us.

After a day of fun and knowing God, the conference came to a close. Some of the students came to us to ask more questions, or to simply tell us that they had a wonderful time, and that they really learned a lot.

“I’m just sad that you’re not coming back tomorrow.” Said one of the students. To which we responded by saying we’ll come back next year.

There was one girl who came to me and asked me to pray for her mother. She gave me a picture, with her mother’s name written on the back.



" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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