Rekindle 2023: United Kingdom Chapter (Mission UK and Spain Part4) May 7, 2023

Sis Techie Rodriguez (Sor) and the leaders of The Lord’s Flock United Kingdom Chapters started her second day in England with a sumptuous English breakfast and Holy Mass at St. Bede’s Church. As they walked to the Church, the sun’s glorious light kissed their faces with warmth, signaling a great and fresh start. Just as the sun is believed to be responsible for sustaining and revitalizing life, Sor, likewise, revitalized the members of the three Chapters in the UK (Basingstoke, Winchester, Birmingham) literally and metaphorically. She shared the Community’s “Rekindle2023” theme and revealed God’s grace on the topics, “Rekindle the Fire (passion for the Lord)” and “What are the Passion Killers.”


The Basingstoke Chapter hosted and handled the arrangements, led by Stewards  Nicky Garcia, Dolor Napuga, Mona Fortaleza, Mark David, with the support from the  Coordinators – Mimi Aquino, Mayflor Pasquin, John Napugan, Anna Garcia, Abi David, Derek Serafica. Stewards from Winchester and Birmingham Chapters were in attendance too, Anna Catubay, Roel Catubay, Liza Franco.


Truly, the Lord’s Flock UK Chapters have been rekindled by Sor’s teaching. They were assured that God forgives and loves unconditionally. Sor further emphasized that their passion and commitment must not be overcome by the passion killers; furthermore, they must continually pray for the gifts and fruit of the Holy Spirit.

To God be the Glory!



Photo credits: Mark delos Reyes, Dominic Garcia


Written by: Sis Jo Advincula (Scribes) and

Bro Mark delos Reyes (UK Chapter)

Edited by: Sis Vera Tuplano (Scribes Ministry)


" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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