Rekindle: Palma de Mallorca and Madrid Chapters (Mission UK and Spain Part 6) May 14, 2023  

On Sunday, May 14, Sis Techie Rodriguez (SOAR) underscored “this year’s theme: Rekindle    to Palma de Mallorca and Madrid Chapters, Spain. Soar emphasized that this was the direction given to her by God. A total of 37 stewards and members listened intently to her as she shared God’s message of rekindling love and passion in serving Him. Moreover, SOAR together with the mothers present was   honored with a simple prayer and flowers (gift offering) in celebration of Mother’s Day.

In addition, the “Rekindle” event was held from 1:00p.m. to 10:00p.m., at the Hotel Isla Mallorca. Bro. Mel Velasco and Sis Chebelle Velasco exhorted about tithing and giving as members of TLF, part of their spiritual learning and journey in the community. Bro. AJ Velasco of TLF Madrid Chapter was the moderator of the event. Sis Judith Almendrala served as the worship leader.



To God be the glory!


Written by:Sis Chebelle Velasco (Renew Ministry)

Edited by: Sis Vera Tuplano (Scribes Ministry)


" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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