SINGLES FELLOWSHIP : Bring Your Own Buddy  (BYOB)  Karaoke Sunday- May 21, 2023

TLF-UAE chapter officially kicked-off its first-ever Singles Fellowship last 21 May 2023 at Hot Palayok Restaurant and Grill. Participants from Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah Emirates started to gather inside the street-murals inspired venue at about one o’clock in the afternoon.  A total of forty-nine (49) participants graced the event: thirty-six (36) TLF single members with Dubai Chapter leaders and thirteen (13) new buddies. The event’s theme, “Bring Your Own Buddy” (BYOB) focused on evangelizing friends and workmates from outside the community and encouraging existing members to be more active.

Initially, Sis Joy Ann Macoco and Sis Teth Casiao who were in the Registration desk joyfully met the participants and guests alike.  Sis Joan Agader and Sis Roselyn Mahilum gracefully ushered them to their seats. Then, the occasion formally started with an Opening Prayer led by Sis. Janice Zamora, TLF-UAE Singles Coordinator, followed by a warm welcome message from Sis. Dhes Inong, the TLF-UAE Chapter and Steward & Head Steward for Pastor International.

The hosts of the occasion were Sis.  Theresa De Jesus and Sis. Christy Balandra. The event set-off with an icebreaker from the energetic Game Master, Sis Aika Vilarmino. The theme-inspired game titled “Know Me, Know Your Buddy and Be My Buddy” kept everyone pumped-up. Everyone was encouraged to go around the venue, smile and introduce themselves to the new buddies and takes a selfie.  Those who got the greatest number of complete set of details received a special token courtesy of Sis. Pheng & Mr. Pradeep from Nike, UAE.  Sis. Jade Custodio and Sis. Janjan Bunagan outdid the rest with their enthusiasm.

After the exciting way to know each other, a sumptuous lunch buffet followed. Soon after, Sis Kris Ayuso read the topic: You Are Important”, a reminder that each one is exceptionally and lovingly created by God.  Hence, everyone was encouraged and given the chance to share the things that are unique to them. As Psalm 139:14 says, “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made, wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” Everyone was also given an appreciation note where they could write to someone, they met that day.

In addition, Sis. Ynnah Rollon, a friend of Sis. Jam Casupanan rendered the first song to open the Karaoke Party . Several others followed and demonstrated their singing talents. Three TLF members stood out and were given special awards too. The Darling of the Crowd was Sis Jewel Morales from Abu Dhabi who received the Princess Award, while Bro. Jon Rey Villar and Sis. Gessa Calipay both from Dubai were hailed as King and Queen of the Crowd. A very Special Award was also given to Sis. Roselyn Mahilum for having the greatest number of invitees.

Finally, group photos, community announcements and giving of tokens to each participant took place on the last part. The event was then concluded with a Closing Prayer by Sis Joy Ann Macoco. Everyone went home with new friends, a joyful heart on a memorable Sunday afternoon and an assurance that each existence is out of love and predestined by our great and loving Father.

Written by:  Sis. Christy Balandra , TLF UAE

Edited by:   Sis Vera I. Tuplano, Scribes Ministry


" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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