Mission USA: Bakersfield Chapter June 17 – 20, 2023

The third leg of Sis Techie Rodriguez’ Mission USA was the Lord’s Flock (TLF) Bakersfield Chapter, which is located 100+miles away, or a two-hour drive from Los Angeles. Sis. Techie Rodriguez, Bro. Froilan Hong and the Manila Mission Team (Sis. Judith Almendrala, Bro. Jess, Sis. Jo, and Bro.Jomel Advincula) left Burbank early on June 17, 6 a.m., together with TLF Los Angeles (LA) Chapter for the joint Spirit Empowerment Seminar and Worship Conference at the St. Elizabeth Seton Church (St. Therese Hall) in Bakersfield. On arrival at the Church, Sis Techie was welcomed with flowers, tight hugs, tears of joy and the Rekindle chant by the Bakersfield leaders and members who were ecstatic to see her once again. Everyone was all-out in support for Sis. Techie’s mission to rekindle the passion for Jesus and to renew the relationships with all the TLF members who she had terribly missed during the last four years.

Spirit Empowerment Seminar (SES), June 17, 2023

The close teamwork of LA Chapter (led by Stewards Janette Dequito, Monina Letargo, Jimmy Esplanda), Bakersfield Chapter (led by Stewards Gerard Parayno, Marlyn Santos, Liza Fortun) and the Sacramento Chapter (led by Steward Derick Santiago) was highly evident as all three chapters joined forces for an extremely successful and spirit-filled SES and YES.  There were 133 participants (35 Seminar candidates/guests 26 from Bakersfield, 9 from LA; 57 LF Members: 42 from Bakersfield, 12 from LA & 3 from Sacramento; and 31 New Gen/Pre-teens & 4 Small World).

Initially, Gerard Parayno (Bakersfield Steward) led the Opening Prayer.  Then, Janette Dequito (LA Chapter) introduced the Lord’s Flock Catholic Charismatic Community and Sis Techie (Elder-Founder, Vision-Holder) through video presentations.  Sis Techie, spent some time with guests and inquired each of them the person who invited them to the Seminar. She reminded them that Jesus purposely invited them: “You did not invite me, but I invited you” (Jn. 15:16).

Moreover, she enlightened the participants about –

  • Charismatic Renewal that comprises the “charism” or the gift:” Enter His court with praises (Psalm 100), let the instruments praise and worship the Lord” (Psalm 150).
  • Empowerment of the Holy Spirit which encompasses the power of praise & worship, how God transforms/changes their lives.  Thus, their   life-changing decision results in their “re-birth” to be conformed to the likeness of Jesus (2Cor. 3:18).
  • The Four spiritual laws that govern the world: (1) God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life, (2) All have sinned and are separated from God, (3) Jesus is the only way to salvation, and (4) You must accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

Youth Empowerment Seminar (YES)

Simultaneously, the Youth Empowerment Seminar was being conducted at the nearby St. Stephen Hall, with participants who were 12-23 years old. The  “Ice-breakers/games”  were facilitated by Alonah Aranzazu, while the topics were interspersed with games for greater appreciation of the youth.

  • Experiencing the Power of Praise & Worship (by Derick Santiago)
  • God’s Love (by Danielle Santiago)
  • Salvation (by Derick Santiago)
  • New Life (by Marlyn Santos)
  • Receiving God’s Gift (by David Santiago): God’s gift is the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit will make it easy to follow the commandments. God’s love is personally yours; share that love.


The Seminar culminated with the Baptism in the Holy Spirit with the youth group joining the adults at the main hall, St. Therese. The soulful “Come, Holy Spirit” was sang by the Psalm Ministry as Sis Techie led the prayers with the affirmation in the belief in one God, the rejection of satan/evil ways, and the invitation to the Holy Spirit to direct their lives henceforth.

The intensely emotional baptism was highlighted by the tight embrace of Sis Techie and her two sisters, Carmella and Marita, and her nephew, Chris, who had attended the SES for the first time, (although they had previously been renewed as well years ago).

Some of the participants shared their experiences during the Baptism of the Holy Spirit:

  • A lady who did not even go to mass said that she got a lot of answers to her questions.
  • A teenage girl appreciated the youth talks and that she really connected with Danielle.
  • Another lady who did not even want to attend the SES could not understand why she suddenly felt tears coming out of her eyes and goose bumps all over; she could feel the Holy Spirit’s embrace and apologized silently for her sins.
  • A teenage guy shared that he learned a lot about the Bible. He testified that he felt close to Jesus, who was removing his sins.
  • A lady said she felt the “blanket of the Lord”; she had a  feeling of redemption/relief.

Finally, the seminar ended on a lively note, everybody was rejoicing:   “Jesus is ALIVE!” led by the Psalm, Worship, Dance Ministries.  Monina Letargo (LA Chapter) led Closing Prayer.

Worship Conference

The following day, Sunday, June 18, everyone attended the morning Eucharistic mass at the St. Elizabeth Seton Church, Bakersfield. After a satisfying lunch at the St. Therese Hall, Sis Techie conducted a “Worship Conference” to 40 TLF leaders and members (Bakersfield– 18; LA – 11, Sacramento – 5; and Manila – 6).

She started with a video which showed that music impacts physiology on a deeper level; in fact, music triggers breathing to slow down or speed up. She emphasized   that music carries messages to their lives (Col.3:15-16). In addressing the Worship leaders, she reminded them that true worship is focused on God, and that they must know the inspiration or deeper meaning of the songs.  They must be inspired by the heart of David, to name a few: a repentant heart, a listening heart, and an uncompromising heart. They must have spiritual discipline: to worship privately daily, to be prepared with the scripture, and to be sensitive to the moves of the Spirit (not on their talents).  In closing, Sis Techie and the Psalm Ministry led a spirit-filled worship song, “How Great is our God.”

On a lighter note, at the end of the conference, the fathers were honored and awarded with “King of the BBQ” award. The team performed the Rekindle Chant at the “Bakersfield” arc. Lastly, dinner was sumptuous barbeque style hosted by Gerard & Gigi Parayno and Jon & Marlyn Santos.


A major shift in Sis Techie’s Mission this year is the focus on fellowship, that is, to strengthen the relationships with one another after the 4-year long physical separation. The Bakersfield Chapter surprised her and the Mission team with a 2-day field trip, starting on Monday with a 3-hour trip to Solvang (a charming t Danish Town) for lunch and a visit to Sta. Ynez Mission House.


This was followed by a trip to Pismo Beach and Boardwalk, a popular summer destination but felt like winter to the Manila team. Lastly, a side trip to Morro Bay/Morro Rock and Japanese lunch (hosted by Bro. Boying in his own UMI restaurant was included before going back to Burbank.

Indeed, it was an unprecedented spirit-enriching and fun-filled four days with the Bakersfield and Los Angeles Chapters, who have been rekindled for service to the Lord in the days to come!

To God be the glory!


Written by:  Jo Advincula

Edited by: Vera Tuplano

(TLF Scribes Ministry)



" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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