The Lord’s Flock Catholic Charismatic Communitys Elder-Founder, Techie Rodriguez (Soar) went on her first local mission to the Mindanao Chapters. This was held at the St. Joseph the Worker Parish, located in Barrio Pampanga, Sasa, Davao City, on August 11-13, 2023. With Sis. Techie on this mission were Froilan Hong (Co-Founder), spouses Dinky and Te Florentino, Grace Lomarda, spouses Allan and Judith Almendrala, Charlie Ordoñez, Mariel Depante, Linda Oliveros, Jenny Mirasol, and spouses Rene and Maro Anyog. Soar and the Mission team conducted an inspirational meeting and fellowship with the Chapters’ leaders and members, a Spirit Empowerment Seminar, and a Maturing Empowerment Seminar over the four-day trip.

Meeting with the Chapters

On the first day, Aug. 11, Friday, Soar met with the Davao, Tagum, and Bislig Chapters. She talked about how an eagle soars according to Isaiah 40:31. She also discussed briefly the Parable of the Sower in Mt. 13: 1-9, 18-23.

Soar talked about the trials and the things of this world that can entice them, and this is why they need to have an intimate relationship with God. In her desire to have a close and personal relationship with everyone, Soar asked them to speak up and share the trials and struggles that they were going through. Thereafter, she gave each one some words of wisdom and she prayed for them.

The first day was very fruitful and ended on a happy note as the members were relieved of their burdens. Once again, the members were drawn to Soar’s charisma, a gift that God had bestowed upon her.



Spirit Empowerment Seminar


Maturing in the Spirit Seminar (MSS)

Following the well-attended Spirit Empowerment Seminar (SES), a Maturing in the Spirit Seminar (MSS) was conducted on the third day, August 13, at the same venue, St. Joseph the Worker Parish.

The day started with praise and worship led by the brother and sister tandem, Bro. Undo and Sis. Kindle Urdaneta, who were accompanied by the TLF Bislig Chapter Psalm Ministry. This was followed by an opening prayer led by the moderator, Sis Kindle. She then invited the participants to share their experiences before, during, and after the SES Baptism in the Spirit the day before. As they were passionately moved by the lyrics of the worship song, “Who I Am” which gives assurance of God’s unconditional love for everyone, the participants shared excitedly and without hesitation.

Subsequently, Sis. Techie introduced the MSS topics. Bro Froilan Hong discussed the first topic, “Renewal of the Mind“ which he explained in detail with the help of illustrations.

After a sumptuous lunch, Soar discussed the topic: “Keys to Powerful Prayers.” This was followed by Sis. Judith Almendrala, who powerfully explained the topic, “Turning Trials to Triumph.”

Separately, Soar, together with Bro. Dinky, Bro. Allan and Sis Grace met with the leaders and coordinators of the three Chapters – Davao, Tagum, and Bislig. She cited the obedience of Abraham, who obeyed no matter how difficult it was for him. She also reminded the leaders to constantly be aware of the devices of Satan (2 Cor. 2: 11) because Satan specifically attacks leaders so that they will be distracted and cannot be used by the Lord. Some leaders may even back-slide when their passion diminishes. Thus, leaders must not allow the devil to deceive them.

Soar emphasized that leaders must be good examples to others and worthy of emulation. The flock will be easy prey if the leaders neglect to pastor them. Leaders must wholeheartedly take care of the Flock, know their condition, and protect them.

Thereafter, Bro. Dinky, Bro. Allan and Sis. Grace discussed the structure of the SEND Ministry, which has supervision over all the local Chapters. All Lord’s Flock Chapters should have the same framework and programs. The Execom is open to new ideas, but these need to be approved first prior to implementation. The decisions of the Elders and Execom are ALWAYS based on God’s word and direction.

Bro. Dinky, Bro. Allan and Sis. Grace also pointed out the importance of giving honor and respect to our Elder, who is also the Vision-Holder of the Community; as such, she was anointed to take care of the Community. We are reminded in 1 Thess. 5: 12-13 to honor those who diligently labor among us and are in leadership over us, and to show high esteem and special love for them on account of their work.


The TLF Davao Chapter hosted a fellowship dinner at the well-known West Empire Chinese Restaurant and Seafoods Garden. They honored Soar with a bouquet while greeting her with a birthday song. The Sagrada family (family of Sis. Ethel Tan of Brooklyn Chapter) who happened to be in the same restaurant came over for a brief meet and greet with the group. During the dinner, Soar lovingly shared her usual motherly advice and her witnessing of the many experiences and miracles in her spiritual journey. The group felt blessed and rekindled after the 2-day Seminar but at the same time were sad to say their goodbyes knowing that they would miss Soar until she came for the next mission.

August 14, 2023 – Flight Back to Manila

Soar, Bro. Froi and the Mission Team were blessed to be on the same PAL flight back to Manila. The group was thankful for the various local delicacies/fruits that were generously given by the Mindanao Chapter members. Moreover, everyone on the Mission team was able to enjoy the benefits of Soar’s “Million Miler” status.

Overall, the Mindanao Mission was successful in renewing ties with all the Chapter leaders and members, as well as evangelizing to new members through the Spirit Empowerment and Maturing in the Spirit Seminars.

To God be the Glory!

Written by: Sis. Te Florentino and Sis Maro Anyog
Photo Credits: Sis. Te Florentino, Bro. Rene Anyog, Sis. Jenny Mirasol, Sis. Mera Flor Tan



" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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