The Lord’s Flock UAE Welcomes Sis Techie & Mission Team- Sept. 6, 2023

The Lord’s Flock Catholic Charismatic Community Dubai family was thrilled to welcome Sis Techie Rodriguez (Elder-Founder) and her Mission team: Bro. Froilan Hong (Co-Founder), Sis Lea Tapispisan and Bro. Mel Capistrano to celebrate a momentous occasion. TLF Dubai celebrated its 10th year anniversary with the theme: “10 Glorious years – the Best is Yet to Come,” a 3-day series of activities that culminated in a formal dinner party at Hyatt Hotel.

Stewards Bro. Pat and Sis. Dhes Inong, Sis. Jen Castro, and Sis. Agnes Pilapil, led the enthusiastic group that cheered the Mission Team at the arrival area of Dubai Terminal Airport.  They eagerly offered flowers and dances to the esteemed visitors.  Meanwhile, Sis Techie and Bro. Froi were delighted with the warm welcome and extended their heartfelt thanks and blessings.

They checked-in at the Flora Hotel and then, quickly proceeded to Nando’s, the group’s favorite restaurant, for a simple dinner, while  catching-up on the latest updates. After the sumptuous meal, the team was brought back to the hotel early so that they could recover from their long flight, and be refreshed for the next three days of exciting activities.

Indeed, all the Lord’s Flock Chapters in the UAE were eager to celebrate their 10th year anniversary with the guests of honor from Manila.


To God be the Glory!


Written by: Bro. Rem Sagarino (Scribes Ministry)









" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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