Elder’s  Mission Hong Kong Part 2: Sts. Peter and Paul Parish October 1, 2023

On the second day of the Lord’s Flock (LF) Mission in Hong Kong, Soar and the team travelled 45 minutes to Yuen Long, New Territories, to see the base of the newest LF Chapter in the Parish of Sts. Peter and Paul.  Soar was very happy that all the other Chapters were also well-represented. Furthermore, she was pleased that the members were able to “fish” a substantial number of guests.  With forty-eight (48) seekers, she decided to do an impromptu  Spirit Empowerment Seminar (SES), aside from the planned Commissioning of the previous SES batch.


Before the meeting started, Soar took time to chat with the guests and explained that they were the “fish” caught by the LF ‘fishers of men.” She also jokingly named  them after different varieties of fish, which elicited much laughter from everybody. She was also interested about their situation in Hong Kong and where they originally came from.

Bible Enthronement

The meeting formally started with the Bible enthronement and praise and worship led by Sis Elsa Aggari and the Psalm and Koros Ministries.

Thereafter, Bro. Froi  explained to the guests that the Lord Himself chose them and that He already pre-disposed them to accept the invitations extended by the members (Jn. 15:16). Moreover, since they are in a foreign land and away from their families, the Community offers them a home where they can belong, be supported by their sisters in Christ, and learn to have a stronger relationship with God.


In the afternoon, the HK Chapters surprised Bro. Froi with advanced birthday greetings (Oct 5), and a big birthday cake. They also extended advanced wedding anniversary greetings (Oct 11) to Soar and Tatay Bobby Rodriguez.

Spirit Empowerment Seminar and Commissioning

Sis Techie elucidated on the charismatic renewal, particularly on its origins, the meaning of praise and worship, and the Four Basic Truths of the Divine Law.

Simultaneously, in another function room, Bro. Froilan conducted the Commissioning Rites.  The thirty graduates of the previous SES in August were all dressed in white for their commitment pledges.

The day ended with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit to the thirty “seekers” who stayed till the end. Soar assured them that with their acceptance of the Holy Spirit, they should expect changes in their lives. She exhorted them to buy and read the Bible, go to confession, communicate with the Lord daily and allow themselves to grow together in their spiritual journey.  Many could not control their tears as they intimately talked to God to ask for forgiveness and unburdened themselves to Him. As they felt lighter in spirit, the congregation jubilantly sang “Jesus is alive!”

In closing, Soar expressed her confidence and gratitude to the committed and tireless leaders and members of the 6 Hong Kong Chapters who remain steadfast in evangelization and generous with their tithes.

To God be the glory!


Written by: Jo Advincula (Scribes Ministry)

























" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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