TLF Palanan Chapter “Catholic Life in The Spirit Seminar” October 1, 2023

The Lord’s Flock Palanan Chapter held a Catholic Life in The Spirit Seminar (CLSS) on Oct.1,2023, Sunday at the St. Joseph The Worker Parish in Palanan, Makati City. The participants came from Palanan, Makati and from San Andres Bukid, Manila.  The Palanan Chapter is one of the pioneer Chapters of the LF community. It celebrated its 33rd year anniversary last Feb.14, 2023. It used to be a very active and lively chapter.  However, during the pandemic, the membership slowly declined, since most of the members were senior citizens who opted to stay at home, and others had left the  Palanan area. The active members were reduced to only 10.  Apparently, the same situation was happening in other Chapters. Thus, Sis Techie “Soar” Rodriguez directed the SEND Ministry Leaders to conduct CLSS to revive the Chapters.

Preparations for the CLSS

Bro. Boboy Luna, “SEND” Assistant Head Steward, immediately approached the Chapter Coordinators. Sis. Thess Sarmiento, Coordinator for Palanan said “Yes!” right away.  There was an issue in terms of limited funds. However,  God is truly awesome because He  sent people (family, friends, co-workers and other community members) who generously  gave their 3 T’s (time, talent, treasure) to make the event happen. God provided enough to sustain the whole event: venue rental, equipment, sound system, food, and program activities, etc.

The Catholic Life in the Spirit Seminar

On the day of the seminar, twenty-two (22) people were brought closer to God.  Indeed, “many are called but few are chosen” (Matthew 22:14).  They actively listened to the teachings which were delivered by the leaders/stewards of the LF Community:

  • Raymund Nobleza gave the Introduction and also testified about his new life with the Lord.
  • Boy Tan spoke about God’s Love and Salvation.
  • Judith Almendrala talked about having a New Life with the Lord
  • Norma Ramos delivered the teaching on Receiving God’s Gift and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.
  • Jess Advincula elaborated on Growing in the Spirit through prayer, study the Word of God and belonging in a Community.
  • Nol Sioson shared the teaching on Transformation which happens after receiving the Holy Spirit and they will become renewed.

After the Baptism, Sis. Jane Lico, the moderator, requested the guests to share their experiences. There were many who testified to having instant physical healing. One of the seekers specifically shared that   that the pain in his knee was gone.

It was indeed a life changing moment not only for the seekers but also for the old members who had not  been active since pandemic time. They were rekindled with the power of Holy Spirit, who touched their hearts to be become passionate for the Lord once more.


To GOD be the GLORY!           


Written by: Sis Thess P. Sarmiento (Scribes Ministry)



" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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