The much-awaited Lord’s Flock’s Annual lnternational Retreat was finally held at the Hampton Inn Tropicana Events Center, located at 4975 S. Dean Martin Drive, Las Vegas, Nevada, on November 4 & 5, 2023. Sis. Techie Rodriguez (Soar), Elder-Founder, revealed  the theme for next year “IGNITE ’24” which is a progression from this year’s “REKINDLE” Theme. As the fire and passion for the Lord that had dwindled in the previous three years were rekindled this year, there is still a risk that the fire will be extinguished.   Thus, for 2024, there is an imperative need to continue to fan and ignite the flame. Everyone must ignite their zeal and fervour for the Lord.


Retreat 1st Day

Prior to the start of the event, the leaders gathered for the Binding Prayer and Anointing to ensure the success of the Retreat. The Program for the 1st day, Nov. 4, started with a Bible Enthronement, followed by a Praise and Worship. A festive mood was set through the Parade of Banners that showcased The Lord’s Flock (TLF) Global Family: Bakersfield, Birmingham, Brooklyn, Brampton, Daly City, Edmonton, Hongkong, Los Angeles, Madrid, Manila, New Jersey, Sacramento, Winchester and Las Vegas.

Next was a video presentation which showed the Community’s condition before and during the pandemic; moreover, it highlighted how the different chapters worldwide were reconnected through virtual activities. The video also showed Sis. Techie Rodriguez’s (Soar’s) missions which she re-started immediately in January, 2023.

Bro. Froilan Hong gave the Welcome Remarks, and he encouraged everyone that the fire of the Holy Spirit be ignited to dispel complacency.

Subsequently, Soar gave three (3) teachings: “Visioneering”, “A Church on Fire or A Dead Church” and “Set Us on Fire.”

The Most Reverend Bishop Honesto Ongtioco, Diocese of Cubao followed and  gave a brief message on lighting up the fire of the Holy Spirit. He reiterated that we are the hope of the world, the gift to the world and to the Church.

After the first segment, the younger generation proceeded to another room for a different talk suited to their age which was given by Sis. Grace Pancho (Evangelize Ministry).

The first day concluded with dance presentations from different eras, which were enthusiastically performed by various  particular groups. The presentations delighted everyone.


Retreat 2nd Day

The 2nd day, November 5, started with a Mass officiated by the Most Reverend Bishop Honesto Ongtioco and concelebrated by Fr. Jose Unlayao, Associate Pastor of the Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Las Vegas. The Mass was followed by picture-taking of the different Chapters/groups with Soar, Bro Froi and Bishop Ongtioco.

Thereafter, Soar delivered a talk on “God’s Delight.”  The participants were then divided into two groups: (1) The Leaders Group to whom  Soar gave the talk, and (2) All other members/ participants, to whom  Bro. Froilan gave a talk on “Contemplate.”

A highlight of the Retreat was the Anointing of Leaders which was a solemn part of the day and the presence of the Holy Spirit was apparent.

The 2nd day was concluded with a Jericho March, wherein the participants, led by the minstrels and dancers, walked and danced around the room 7 times, accompanied with joyful music. After the 7th round, they shouted praises, signifying victory.

Finally, as Soar mentioned in her teaching, just as “the fire on the altar is to be kept burning, it must not go out” (Lev. 6: 5), everyone must strive and make sure that their love for Jesus and passion for service must always be kept alive.

To God be the glory!

Written by: Sis. Te Florentino (Scribes Ministry)




" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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