Renewal of Marriage Vows Los Angeles Chapter, February 10, 2024

In a heartfelt display of love and commitment, the married couples of the Lord’s Flock Catholic Charismatic Community Los Angeles Chapter gathered for a renewal of marriage vows ceremony. The event took place on February 10, 2024 at the Holy Family Church in Glendale, California.  Fr. Vincent Liwag, a fellow TLF member and newly appointed Associate Pastor of said church, officiated the holy mass and delivered a poignant message emphasizing the importance of fidelity to God’s covenant and to each other. He urged the couples to cherish and uphold the sacred bond of marriage, rooted in unwavering commitment and love.

Thereafter, the group proceeded to a local restaurant to continue the celebration. Amidst cheers and laughter, the couples enjoyed a delicious breakfast, further strengthening their bonds of fellowship and community.

Let’s lift-up all married couples in prayer as they continue their sacred journey, growing together in love and fidelity with Jesus in the center of their relationship.

To God be the glory!

Written by: Bro. Arlo Dequito (LA Chapter)

Photo Credits: Bro. Ernand Capisonda and Sis. Ef Lavilla



" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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