Lord’s Flock Hong Kong CHAPTER 34th Anniversary FEBRUARY 12-13, 2024

What a profound joy and gratitude to commemorate the 34 incredible years of GOD’s goodness, faithfulness, grace and mercy to The Lord’s Flock (TLF) Hong Kong Chapter! This momentous occasion was indeed reminiscent of the first ever international mission trip that Elder-Founder Techie “Soar” Rodriguez embarked on in 1989. Consequently, on the Lunar New Year of 1990, the first TLF INTERNATIONAL CHAPTER was born in at St. Anthony Parish, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong! Over the years, amidst challenges, the TLF-HK leaders and members have faithfully carried the fire of God with them. And to ensure that this fire is kept burning and spreading, they recognized the need to continuously and radically GET IGNITED for God’s service. Hence, with great delight and enthusiasm, they all embraced with zeal the 2024 theme entitled “IGNITE 2024.”

The TLF-HK Chapter held a 2-day celebratory gathering on 12-13 February 2024 at the Parish Hall of the Holy Family Church, Choi Hung Estate, Kowloon.

First Day, 12 February, 2024

The 1st day program commenced with a deep engagement in prayer led by Elsa Aggari of St. Alfred Chapter. To continue honouring God as the centre of the event, the rite of enthroning the Sacred Scriptures followed. Right after this ceremony, Leah Navarra, of Holy Family–Saturday Chapter, kindled an awesome praise and worship that led the congregation to enter into God’s presence and offer a grateful homage to Him.

Reverend Father Johnson Dhos, SVD, parish priest of the Holy Family Church, gave a warm and heartfelt welcome message to the 100+  TLF community members, including Bro. Jess Advincula from TLF-Manila, and a number of guests from the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) of the Holy Family.

After the satisfying lunch at the Rainbow Room of the Holy Family Parish, a 2-hour Concert of Prayer was undertaken, having every confidence and trust that fervent prayers and worship to God are essential elements to “fan the flame and ignite the fire.” United in harmony and singleness of purpose, the Stewards and Pastoral leaders led the concerted prayers which were divided into eight (8) categories namely: Family, Healing of the Ailing/Sick, Self-deliverance, Unity of the Church, Success of all TLF events/projects, Commitment of TLF HK leaders particularly all those who were appointed/commissioned to serve in 2024. They also included prayer intentions for the entire TLF leadership and a Spiritual Warfare prayer.

Right after the last category of prayer was offered, a 15-minute Cycle of Prayer ensued. The community attendees were requested to break out into groups of five (5) to pray alongside one another, for their respective personal concerns/petitions.

To cap off the earnest concerted prayers, the Psalms Ministry, ably led by Lari Diaz and Cristine Majhen (Stewards of the Holy Family–Saturday and Notre Dame Chapters, respectively), invited the community to a Spiritual March of Jericho. Everyone continued to humbly submit to the Holy Spirit as they blended their hearts, minds and voices to God’s promises of victory! The community was privileged to have the Blessed Sacrament exposed throughout the entire Concert of Prayer. Fr Natalius Suryanto, SVD culminated the event with a Eucharistic Mass.

Second Day

The 2nd day of the TLF-HK gathering fell on the 4th day of the Lunar New Year which was still a statutory holiday for workers. Approximately 145 members came and gleefully participated in the various celebratory activities.

The program opened with a morning prayer and a binding prayer by Susan Galon, Steward of the Holy Family – Saturday Chapter. She likewise led the singing of the TLF anthem and the Prayer for the 10 Core Values. Afterwards, Cristine Majhen welcomed the community to an amazing Praise and Worship which filled their hearts with awe of God’s goodness!

Fr. Johnson Dhos, SVD, graciously gave a talk related to the TLF theme “IGNITE 2024.”  He accentuated the Fire of God which is the burning passion that exists in the hearts of those who are committed to serving God, and the blessings that come with it. He expounded that as Abraham’s children of faith, God has destined that the blessings He pours out are non-stop and should never end with our lives. Rather, they are meant to flow outward – to spread His goodness throughout the world.

Subsequently, Jess Advincula (a Herald from TLF Main/Philippines), ardently shared his testimony on how the ‘heavenly fire’ transformed him and gave him the power to boldly impart the Gospel to others. He exhorted that each one must “spread  the FIRE” (passion and love for Jesus) to others.

In the afternoon, all the TLF-HK members and guests gathered back at the Parish Hall for the last two (2) parts of the program: the Presentation of Special Production Numbers by each Chapter, and participation in various fun games. At this juncture, the pervading mood outrageously turned into a mirthful atmosphere, especially when the seven (7) HK Stewards, joined by Jess Advincula and Helen del Mundo (a new Scribe and member of the Holy Family – Saturday Chapter) rendered an impromptu dance number. The indoor games, on the other hand, left everyone in exuberance.

Lastly, a Thanksgiving Mass was offered for the successful anniversary celebration. Fr. Johnson Dhos, SVD gave the final blessing to the congregation, while Fr. Johnson prayed over all TKF-HK members with special invocations to the Holy Spirit’s Seven Gifts (Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety and Holy Fear); he further prayed that they will always be ablaze with the same flame that appeared over the apostles. Subsequently, he sprinkled the Holy water on them.

Indeed, the 34th anniversary celebration of TLF-HK Chapter was a huge success and marked by immense favours which were lavished upon each and every member of the community! With renewed spirit and zeal, they all have a much deeper sense of commitment to diligently and faithfully respond to the clarion call of Soar “to not let the fire go out” and “to set the LORD’S FLOCK ON FIRE!” (Leviticus 6:9-13).

To God be the glory!

Written by: Helen Angeles–del Mundo

TLF Hong Kong Chapter



" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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