Elder’s Mission UAE (Part 8):  Goodbye to Soar & Mission Team Dubai, February 19, 2024

The Lord’s Flock Catholic Charismatic Community UAE Chapter bid goodbye to their beloved elder-founder Techie “Soar” Rodriguez and the Mission Team as they departed for Manila. The mission workers were still in high spirits after the successful spiritual activities from the few past days. Soar gave her final blessings to all workers of the Dubai community; conversely, everyone prayed for their safe journey home

While they lingered at the airport, the Dubai group savored the last few minutes talking to Soar and sending them home with well wishes. “Soar” and her mission team: Tobit Flancia, Carla Bugnosen, Remy Sisteberio, and Justin Paquing, expressed their thanks for the warm welcome by the Dubai Community. They were also grateful for the well-planned spiritual activities led by the UAE stewards: Lourdes Inong, Agnes Pilapil, Jennifer De Castro, and Paterno Inong.  Everybody expressed their joy in working together and shared their contact details for continued communication.

As Soar and the mission team made their exit from Dubai, the Dubai community was left with the spark of God’s love. May all the community workers IGNITE the world by sharing the gospel and the love of Jesus Christ, especially among the Dubai Christian families.

To God be all the Glory!


Scribes Ministry:

Written by:  Rem Sagarino

(Steward, Scribes International)


" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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