Elder’s USA Mission (Part 3): Las Vegas Chapter March 6-8, 2024

The Lord’s Flock Elder – Founder Sis Techie ‘Soar’ Rodriguez, together with Sis Judith Almendrala and Bro Teddy Boy Torres arrived on March 6 for the Las Vegas Chapter Mission. Coming from the successful Facing 2024, Soar immediately went for another chapter visit which was joyfully received by the Stewards Joey and Joy Molina. Soar wanted to meet and check the overall well-being of the chapter and share the Lord’s messages.

Upon their arrival, the host stewards treated them to a sumptuous lunch at the famous Chinese Dim sum named Ping Pang Pong and then proceeded to Dillard’s for a little shopping. That night, Soar held a leadership meeting with the Las Vegas Chapter’s stewards and coordinators to have an open discussion on the condition of the Chapter. Soar shared the many ways to improve the Chapter and how to further deepen relationships among members. She also encouraged and coached the core members to be better leaders and reminded them that they represent Christ in and out of the community.


Honoring the guests

The following day, March 7, was a rest day and the Las Vegas Chapter took this opportunity to tour their guests around Las Vegas. This was capped by an exciting treat to watch Barry Manilow’s concert. Everyone had a great time.

Praise and Worship Night

Soar and the team graced the Chapter’s praise and worship on the evening of March 8. This was well attended and everyone was excited to see her again.  Soar gave a teaching entitled “Storms Beyond Our Control”.  All listened attentively and they reflected on the lessons in the context of their life situations; they felt relieved and assured of God’s power to change and turn around their storms in life.


A fellowship followed with a delicious spread of food, music, and meaningful conversations as new faces, past members, and current ones reunited again to give praise and glory to God.

Coming from a successful mission from Bakersfield, Soar ignited the Las Vegas chapter with a newfound energy.

To God be the glory!


Scribes Ministry

Written by: Joy Molina

Las Vegas Chapter Steward


" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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