Elder’s Mission USA (Part 6): Soar’s 44th Spiritual Birthday Los Angeles, March 22, 2024

The BVM Spiritual Formation Center Auditorium in Glendale, California, was bursting with energy as the Lord’s Flock Los Angeles (LA) Chapter, headed by stewards Janette Dequito, Monina Letargo, and Jimmy Esplanada, spearheaded the commemoration of the 44th spiritual birthday of Sis. Techie “Soar” Rodriguez, the Elder-Founder and Vision-holder of the Lord’s Flock Catholic Charismatic Community. Soar was visibly touched and in tears when she saw that the leaders and members of six (6) chapters went out of their way to gather in LA,  demonstrating their unity with her vision of saving God’s people and bringing them to safety.

A Surprising Turnout

Soar, along with her Mission Team, Judith Almendrala (SERVE Ministry) and Ted Torres (SEND Ministry), were surprised by the attendance of the leaders and members of the different chapters who came in droves to personally celebrate the occasion with her. Led by stewards Marlyn Santos & Gerard Parayno (Bakersfield Chapter), Maireen Manalo Garcia (Daly City Chapter), Krishy Ong (New Jersey Chapter), and Joy & Joey Molina (Las Vegas Chapter), they simply did not want to miss the rare opportunity to honor their beloved leader on her 44th spiritual birthday.  Moreover, other members from Manila and other chapters also joined in the celebration as the event was live-streamed on Zoom. 

Praise and Worship

The celebration kicked-off with praise and worship songs led by Marlyn Santos and the Psalm Ministries from the Los Angeles and Bakersfield Chapters. The entire congregation filled the air with songs that lifted their spirits and brought glory to God.

Soar’s Message

Soar then took center stage to reflect on 44 years of her spiritual journey which started from the time her mom, Ennie Molina, introduced her to the charismatic movement. This set in motion an immediate transformation in her that began with an admission that the worldly life she had led was wrong. Years of pruning and testing from God ensued which made her faith stronger and gave her knowledge and visions. She recounted the moments when she remained steadfast in her work for the Lord despite attacks on every aspect of her life, including attacks on her family and her health. Her greatest joy had always been seeing the membership of the community grow. She was especially proud that the Lord’s Flock had produced 16 nuns and 24 priests. Thus, she encouraged all the members not to waste time on useless things, and to have the same dedication and passion for the Lord’s work. After all, according to Ecclesiastes 3:11, God has made everything beautiful in its time; He has set eternity in the human heart so that those who seek Him with all their heart will find rest and receive the gift of eternal life.

Honoring Soar

As the evening unfolded, the auditorium reverberated when the members jubilantly sang “Happy Birthday” for Soar as well as for the members celebrating their birthdays and anniversaries for March. The big screen played video messages carrying warm wishes from the Execom, the various Lord’s Flock ministries, and members from other international chapters. Soar’s face was gleaming, and her eyes sparkled with emotion. Noticeably touched by the heartfelt wishes, she thanked everybody for their love and blessings.

“Breaking Bread” together and Surprise Performances

The aroma of food, seafood pasta, paella negra, soft shell crabs, fish filet, mixed vegetables, fruit salad, cakes, and pastries filled the auditorium. It was time to partake in the Lord’s bounty.  The fellowship extended beyond the spiritual as everybody shared stories, laughter, and second helpings.

As the attendees enjoyed the sumptuous feast, songs and dances were performed in Soar’s honor. Fresh from their performances at Facing 2024, the Bakersfield Chapter moved their feet and bodies to the song “Dahil Sa ‘Yo,” while the Los Angeles Chapter swayed to the catchy beat of the song “Jerusalema”.

Marita Jones, Soar’s sister, performed a Hawaiian dance that captivated the audience. The Las Vegas Chapter was joined by other chapters, Maireen, Krishy, Arnold Usita, and Evelyn Nuval in serenading Soar with endearing songs that included “Wind Beneath My Wings,” “Warrior is a Child,” and “Still.” Everybody was eager to showcase their talents, adding more energy to the celebration.

Soar’s Prayer for the Community

As the night drew close, the congregation formed a circle around Soar and sang “Goodness of God.” With hands resting on each other’s shoulders, they bowed their heads, closed their eyes, and listened intently as Soar prayed for the Lord’s guidance, wisdom, and protection as they continually heed the call to serve and glorify His Kingdom.

And so, on her spiritual birthday, Soar felt the joy of having a community filled with love, dedication, and unity. The celebration was more than an event; indeed, it was a testament to the enduring power of faith and community – a blessing beyond measure.

To God be the Glory!

Scribes Ministry:

Written by: Arlo J. Dequito (TLF LA Chapter)

Photo credits: Ernand Capisonda & Efleda Lavilla

(TLF LA Chapter)



" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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