Holy Week 2024 Los Angeles Chapter, March 29 and 30, 2024

As members of the Catholic Charismatic Community, The Lord’s Flock (TLF) Los Angeles Chapter participates in the commemoration of the Paschal Triduum, the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  The Sacred or Pascal Triduum is one great festival recounting the last three days of Jesus’ life on earth, the events of His Passion and Resurrection, when the Lamb of God laid down His life in the atonement for the sins of mankind.

Maundy Thursday

Every year, Holy Family Catholic Church in Glendale, California, invites members of different ministries to participate in the washing of the feet during the Mass of the Lord’s Supper. This year, The Lord’s Flock LA Chapter participated in the holy activity and felt very blessed at the event. Jimmy Esplanada, Chapter Steward, and Efleda Ebalin-Lavilla, Silver and Gold Coordinator, participated in the washing of the feet on Thursday, March 29, 2024. The Holy Mass was officiated by Rev. Anthony Garcias, the Pastor of the Holy Family, together with Fr. Vincent Liwag, Fr. Luis Mejia, and Fr. John Schiavone, Associate Pastors, as well as Deacons Ron Baker and Deacon Neon Recuenco. In the homily, Fr. Anthony encouraged all the faithful to serve the church, the community, and the poor, just like the examples of Saint Theresa of Calcutta and Saint Martin De Porres.

Good Friday

On Good Friday, March 30, 2024, TLF members, headed by stewards Monica Letargo and Jimmy Esplanada, went to Mater Dolorosa, Passionist Retreat Center in Sierra Madre to participate in the Stations of the Cross. They reflected and meditated on the passion and death of the Lord Jesus Christ.  They also pondered on the seven sorrows of the Blessed Mother Mary in the nearby garden within the retreat center. At the end of the stations, Jean, the assigned leader of the group reminded everyone of the love of Jesus and to spread that love to others. Every year, thousands of Catholics visit the retreat center to reflect and pray along the stations of the cross.

The night was concluded with fellowship at California Fish Grill in Pasadena, California.

Indeed, as Fr. Anthony said,  the Holy Week is a reminder to all of the sacrificial love of Jesus, and that everyone should express their faith not only in rituals and symbols, but in all that they say and do, for Jesus is life, love, and light to the world.


To God be the Glory!


Scribes Ministry

Written by: Jimmy Esplanada

(Steward Los Angeles Chapter)

Photo Credits:  Winnie Palaca &

Ernand Capisonda


" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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