Global In-gathering: The Biggest Wealth is Health April 21, 2024

A Global In-gathering was held via zoom last Sunday, April 21, 2024 on the topic “The Biggest Wealth is Health.” Moderators Joey Molina and Bernice Agoba introduced the speakers: Dr. Joey Agoba (General & Cosmetic Surgeon), Dr. Marie Regala (Internist, Cardiologist)  Dr. Leslie Mae Domagas (Pediatrician). As members of the Lord’s Flock Catholic Community’s St. Luke’s Ministry,  they sought to educate the global members regarding medical conditions specific to their respective specializations. They expounded on the causes, preventive actions, and cure/treatment measures for cancer, hypertension & heart diseases, heat stroke, and pertussis (whooping cough) which are all relevant today. Importantly, God is the Divine Healer, and the doctors are His assistants in doing His work.

“Don’t wait for a warning light”

Dr. Joey started the session with the science about cancer. He emphasized that while cancer is a life-threatening diagnosis, he assured everyone that with early detection, the prognosis can be excellent and lives can be saved; furthermore, “you can always turn things around.” He focused on two types of cancer: breast cancer and prostate cancer. For women, he explained the six (6) steps in performing breast self-examination, and the importance of screening via mammogram and ultrasound. He also discussed the risk factors – among which, three (3) are within the individual’s control (alcohol, tobacco use and obesity).  He explained further why females have higher risks of breast cancer (estrogen and progesterone promote cell growth). On the other hand, he elucidated on prostate cancer diagnostics & risk factors for men. Lastly, he mentioned the types & combinations of cancer treatments – surgery, radiation therapy, medications (chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, immunotherapy, others).  Finally, Dr. Joey quoted Isaiah 59:1 “Behold, the LORD’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither His ear heavy, that it cannot hear…”


“Live with a healthy heart”

Dr. Marie tackled a very important topic “Live with a Healthy Heart.” She started by quoting 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit … Therefore, honour God with your body to give encouragement and motivation for everyone to take care of their bodies. She enumerated the practical actions that, with discipline, can be done to ensure that the heart is healthy:  a) Eat healthy (food with lower amounts of sodium, saturated fats, sugars), b) Be active/Move more (150minutes of moderate exercise per week or 30 minutes for 5 days), c) Have adequate sleep, d) Manage weight, and e) Take prescribed medicines.  Conversely, she also cautioned everyone about the causes and consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle. In fact, among the top 10 causes of death, three (3) are heart diseases: #1 heart attack, # 3 stroke, # 6 hypertension. She further explained the proper ways of managing blood pressure and managing weight.

Finally, she reminded everyone, “therefore, whatever you eat, drink, or do, do it for the glory of God” (1Cor:10:31).


“Beat the Heat (extreme heat)!”

With summer reaching a heat index of up to 40+ Celsius, Dr. Leslie gave suggestions on how to beat the extreme heat: stay cool, stay hydrated (but avoid drinks with alcohol or high amounts of sugar), dress light, eat light, use sunscreen, cool down and stay informed!  She also shared the various types of heat-related illnesses: dehydration can lead to fatigue, while prolonged exposure can cause body cramps, heat exhaustion or heat stroke. When any of these happens, it is best to go to a cool place, sip water slowly, loosen clothing, put a cool wet cloth or take a cool bath.

One of the effects of extreme heat is the current outbreak of whooping cough, which is  caused by the pertussis bacteria. The Pediatric Society recommends the following: avoid crowded places, have the vaccine for the different age groups, practice respiratory and hand hygiene, and wear masks.



A lively question and answer followed the lectures.

In addition, the zoom participants were given a bonus when they heard updates from Sis. Techie Rodriguez (Elder-Founder) and Bro. Froilan Hong about their experiences during their detour from the original Europe Mission to Dubai, UAE; they were still stranded by the unprecedented flooding in the city and in the airport runway. However, God is good that the UAE Chapters immediately took care of their needs!

To reiterate,  the human body is the temple of the Holy Spirit,  and God’s work can only be done if the members’ bodies are well.

To God be the glory!

Scribes Ministry:

Written by: Dr. Virgie Chang

(Scribes Ministry)




" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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