THE LORD’S FLOCK EAST HUB: Inaugural Praise & Worship April 19, 2024

The Lord’s Flock Catholic Charismatic Community’s Elder-Founder, Sis. Techie Rodriguez has desired to have a center of activity in strategic places in Metro Manila that would cater to members who have difficulty attending the activities at the Lord’s Flock Heritage in Quezon City.  The center of activity called “Hub” would have the same weekly praise and worship format as in the Heritage.  Six years after the TLF East started as a chapter of the Lord’s Flock, the inaugural praise and worship activity of the hub was finally held last April 19, 2024, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. at the St. Therese of the Child Jesus Diocesan Shrine and Parish (STCJP)  in Antipolo City.

The inaugural activity of the TLF East Hub commenced with praise and worship led by the LF Psalm Ministry with its steward, Raymund Nobleza as the worship leader.  This was followed by three sharers – Chelsey Mercader and Althea Zoe Martinez, both from the youth group and Mayette Gamez, the main sharer.  Raymund who was also the speaker, discussed the topic:Power of Praise and Worship.”  He ended his talk with a general healing prayer.  May Barcita, the moderator, thanked the guests for joining the praise and worship activity and invited them to next Friday’s regular activity to be held at the STCJ Formation Center.   Refreshments were shared among the guests and workers after the activity.

The inaugural praise and worship activity was a success through prayers and the support of the STCJP Parish Priest, Msgr. Henry Mediarito, guest priest Fr. Dari Dioquino, the LF SEND Ministry Head Steward (HS), Allan Almendrala, Assistant HS Buboy Luna, Adviser Ched Castillo, and other stewards, leaders, and members of the different LF ministries, as well as the hard work of the TLF East Hub leaders, advisers, and members.

Indeed, when the community works together and with fervent  prayers and trust in the Lord, breakthroughs will be achieved for God’s glory.


To God be all the glory!


Scribe Ministry:

Written by: Sis. Maro Anyog

(Adviser, TLF East Hub)







" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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