On 16 June 2024, The Lord’s Flock Catholic Charismatic Community Hong Kong Chapters (TLF-HK) participated in a half-day event organized by the CHARIS Hong Kong (formerly HK Catholic Charismatic Service Committee).   Dubbed the “2024 Pentecost Gathering, this significant assembly was held at the Caritas Hall, Caine Road, Hong Kong. It was participated in by close to 450 English and Chinese-speaking charismatic community members and guests. TLF-HK is a member of  CHARIS Hong Kong and actively supports its endeavors. This annual celebration was meant to foster unity and solidarity amongst the Catholic Charismatic Renewal groups in Hong Kong as one body of Christ.

The program was moderated by Christina Lam of the Renewal In the Spirit (RIS) Community.  She also led the attendees to an intense and spirit-lifting praise and worship.  Thereupon, she cordially introduced Dr. Mary Healey, the main guest speaker, who is a professor of Scripture at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit. She talked about the roles of the Holy Spirit in salvation, how the Holy Spirit is involved in each step of that process until He permanently takes up residence in our lives. She likewise discussed the healing power of Jesus who remains graciously available to touch the untouchable and cure the incurable because of His gut-wrenching compassion towards the broken and the repentant.  Subsequently, Dr. Healy ministered healing to all the participants. Everyone in the assembly believed in their hearts that they received divine healing in the most powerful Name of Jesus. Three (3) attendees, one of whom was Dolly Sanchez, Steward of St. Alfred Chapter, exuberantly testified to the miraculous healing that they experienced.

The gathering culminated with a Holy Mass celebrated by Fr. Jay Francis Flandaz, and concelebrated by Chancellor Fr. Lawrence Lee and Fr. Johnson Dhos. The Lord’s Flock Hong Kong Chapters, represented by Dolly, took part in the Prayer of the Faithful.

Indeed, the 2024 Pentecost Gathering was an apt occasion to ignite the zeal and spiritual fervor of the members of the TLF-HK Chapters as God’s servants in His ministry. Furthermore, it was an opportune moment for them to bolster their resolve to be filled with the Holy Spirit to continue experiencing the transforming grace of God.


To God be all the Glory!


Scribes Ministry

By: Helen Angeles-Del Mundo

(Hong Kong Chapter Steward)



" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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