The Elder-Founder of the Lord’s Flock Catholic Charismatic Community, Sis. Techie “Soar” Rodriguez, made another impactful and spirit-filled visit to the Lord’s Flock Hong Kong Chapter on 30 June to 02 July 2024.  The sole purpose of the follow-up mission trip was to conduct a Leadership Seminar for all stewards and coordinators, as well as potential leaders of the six (6) Hong Kong Chapters.


Day 1:  Soar’s Arrival and Counselling Session

Soar, accompanied by Lea Tapispisan, Head Steward of Pastor Ministry, came back to Hong Kong on 30 June 2024.  They were cordially welcomed by Cristine Mahjen, Steward of Notre Dame Chapter.  After getting some rest, Soar and Lea proceeded to Notre Dame Parish to meet up with eight (8) TLF members who sought spiritual counselling.  Just as expected, it was absolutely a rewarding and fruitful engagement for those counselees. They did bring home with them a greater sense of hope, peace and a deeper reliance on God’s divine revelation for their respective life’s purposes.


Day 2:  Leadership Seminar

The one-day seminar was held at the Notre Dame Parish Hall and was participated in by ninety-eight (98) members from the six (6) chapters:  7 stewards, 49 coordinators and 44 prospective leaders.  Soar rigorously tackled and elucidated the numerous qualifications and character traits attributed to a great spiritual leader.  To mention a few, Soar emphasized that those who are put in the position of Christian leadership should:

  • Have an active, personal relationship with God, rooted in prayer and obedience to the Scripture;
  • pursue spiritual maturity; demonstrate complete submission to God’s instructions;
  • be teachable and know how to accept rebuke or correction; be able to lead by example, be available for others; have integrity, be approachable and be a teambuilder.

Moreover, Soar meticulously discussed the qualifications of leaders as stipulated in 1 Tim 3:1-12 (“…the overseer is to be above reproach, faithful, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach…”).  As a whole, the attendees displayed active and eager interest while listening to Soar’s talk, especially when the latter imparted her personal experiences.  Soar was in high spirits, and injected humour that kept the participants “alert, awake, and enthusiastic.”

Sis Lea, thereupon, shared a powerful witnessing about the management and leadership style of Soar,  as well as her admirable attributes as a spiritual leader: visionary, mission-minded, spirit-led, passionate, caring deeply about the ministry, among many others, which sparked inspiration and ignited motivation among all attendees.

The seminar was capped off with the community singing of “Spirit Touch Your Church” which was accompanied by an impassioned prayer that was lovingly offered by Soar for all the participants.

A fellowship dinner followed at the adjacent room to the main hall.  Soar and Lea were joined by majority of the members in partaking assorted meals and sharing delightful conversation. Lea initiated a game of trivia questions about Tatay Bob and Soar which the members enjoyed. There is always something profound about gathering in a communal meal, more so when this is shared with the beloved Elder-Founder-Vision Holder of the TLF Community.


Day 3:  Journey Back to Manila

On the morning of July 2, 2024, Helen del Mundo, Steward of Choi Hung Sunday Chapter, dotingly accompanied Soar and Lea to the Hong Kong International Airport for their return flight to Manila.

Another fruitful mission was concluded.  It produced a lasting and valuable impact to the community’s current leaders and prospective ones alike.  For the participants who already have leadership roles, the seminar has tremendously provided value and power to strive to be excellent servant leaders, to be the moral compass to the community and to prepare other members to lead by faith and take risks in fulfilling the vision and mission of TLF.  On the other hand, for the rest of the participants, the seminar seemed daunting and challenging,  but at the same time, they found comfort in the assurance of God’s promise that whoever He calls, He equips and empowers.


To God be the glory!

SCRIBES Ministry

Written by: Helen Angeles del Mundo

(TLF-Hong Kong Steward)


" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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