The Immaculate Conception Chapel: New Home for the TLF-MWSS Chapter

The Lord’s Flock (TLF) – MWSS Chapter has been in existence for 41 years now.  By God’s grace, it had overcome many challenges, particularly in looking for a place where it can hold its regular activities.  After four decades, and with the persistent efforts of the Chapter, supportive people and God’s amazing blessing, the new Immaculate Concepcion Chapel was inaugurated last June 14, 2024.


Historical Perspective

During the first few years of the Chapter, regular masses and other activities, spearheaded by the TLF-MWSS Chapter, were first held at the basement of the MWSS (Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System) main building.  While at the basement, many problems were encountered, including grounded sound system during rainy seasons, and loss of some of the Chapter’s furniture and equipment since the venue was not enclosed. These had prompted the Chapter leaders to look for another place that is more appropriate for a house of worship.

Truly, God is so good.  On October 22, 2003, the request by the then Presiding Coordinator of the Chapter, Menzie Evangelista, for the provision of a space at the basement of the MWSS main building, was approved by then Administrator Orlando C. Honrade. A space was designated for a chapel where holy masses could be held as well as the other Chapter’s activities.


Answered Prayer

Construction of the MWSS Chapel officially started on April 8, 2005, and was completed in April 2006, mainly through the support of Maynilad, the Manila Water, Co., Inc. and of generous employees, friends and other offices housed within the MWSS Compound.

The chapel became home for the TLF-MWSS Chapter. It also included a prayer room and storage for all belongings of the Community, making it a better place for worshipping our Creator who deserves nothing but the best.


The Inauguration of the Immaculate Concepcion Chapel

Amazingly, God continued to inspire people, most especially the new Administrator of the MWSS, Ms. Leonor “Bobby” Cleofas, CESO IV.   As she revealed herself, it had been her dream since 1989 to put up a new chapel within the MWSS Compound where everyone can come and pray and worship the Lord. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, she made known her dream to Manila Water Co. President and CEO, Emmanuel De Dios, who confessed that he shared the same dream. They brought this up to Maynilad’s President and CEO, Ramoncito S. Fernandez who did not have a second thought in making the chapel a reality.

Plans and resources were then put up by the two Presidents and CEOs. A new, bigger, and a stand-alone structure was approved that was strategically located within the MWSS compound.  The construction was completed in less than a year.

The chapel is such a beauty, with a panoramic view of the MWSS surroundings with its glass walls. It is, indeed, very relaxing and refreshing to see the green plants and trees all around from inside the chapel.


Being a devotee of the Blessed Virgin, Administrator Bobby named the new chapel as   the Immaculate Conception Chapel and it was inaugurated on June 14, 2024, simultaneous with the enthronement of the image of the Immaculate Conception. The inaugural mass was concelebrated by the Bishop of the Diocese of Cubao, Most Reverend Bishop Honesto Ongtioco, as the main celebrant, who was joined by six other priests/deacons of the Diocese of Cubao. It was really a very touching moment, most especially for Administrator Bobby who became emotional as she gave her speech right after the mass.

A few weeks before the chapel completion, Administrator Bobby called the leaders of the TLF-MWSS Chapter who then had fears of a possible change in the management of the chapel’s activities.  But praise God, said fears were allayed with the announcement of   Administrator Bobby that nothing will change with regard to such matter.  She affirmed that The Lord’s Flock-MWSS Chapter will continue to manage the chapel This gave a big sigh of relief for the Chapter’s leaders.

Today, the Chapel is open for all, not only to employees of all offices within the MWSS Compound, but to anyone who would like to pray and pay homage to our dear Lord. With the Chapel’s very accessible location, more people are now attending holy mass as Administrator Bobby has envisioned it and the efforts of the LF MWSS Chapter.

To God be the glory!


SCRIBES Ministry

Written by: Elizabeth David

(TLF MWSS Chapter)



" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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