Glory to Glory Christmas Festival


Written by: Sis Maria Adelia Sopungco (Scribes Ministry)   The Lord’s Flock Community, celebrated its 36th Christmas Rally last December 4, 2022, (Sunday) at the Heritage with a theme “Glory […]

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Spiritual Empowerment Seminar & Healing Conference- UAE, December 2022


December 06-12, 2022 Rem Sagarino, Writer/Transcriber  Scribes Ministry   For the second time this year (2022), The Lords Flock United Arab Emirates (TLF UAE) welcomed their Elder-Founder Techie Rodriguez (Sis […]

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Coming to the Roots: The Holy Land Pilgrimage


Maria Concepcion V. Roxas Writer/Transcriber Baruch Ministry     Cambridge Dictionary defines “coming to the roots” as finding meaning in the beginning: how everything started.  As stated in Colossians 2:7: […]

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Healing Conference October 23, 2022


CUSTOMIZED FAMILY CURSES A Healing Conference Sis. Connie Roxas An estimated 2,000 members with an approximate 300 guests trooped to the Heritage Center on 23rd of October 2022. A multitude […]

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TLF Anointing


Aug 21, 2022 Sis Vera I. Tuplano Anointing as an act of consecration is solemnized by the Elders of the Community intended for workers to sanctify them to work willingly […]

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Elder’s Joint Birthday Celebration


August 7, 2022 Writer: Sis Jo Advincula The month of August is a special heartwarming day for all Lord’s Flock Community members here and abroad. This marks the birthdays of […]

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SYFOF: Radical Love


Angela Kyle Medallo July 31, 2022 As the globe gradually adjusts to a “new normal” everyone has remained connected with one another. This connection sparked a Radical Love by The […]

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RADICAL LOVE: The 2nd International SYFOF


Sis Monina Letargo July 23, 2022 Did I hear it right? They called it “radical love”? Tell me, who wouldn’t be in awe with something that is over-the-top and overwhelming […]

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