Elder’s Mission: International Retreat East Coast Pastoral Visit and New Jersey 25th Anniversary November 10-14, 2023

Day 1: Mission Team Arrival in New Jersey

On Friday, November 10, 2023, The Lord’s Flock (TLF) NJ Chapter joyfully welcomed TLF Elder-Founder, Sis. Techie “Soar” Rodriguez, along with Bro Froilan Hong (TLF Co-Founder)  and the mission team, namely Sis Alma Torres (Serve Ministry) and Sis Judith Almendrala (Pastor Ministry), back to New Jersey, USA. The brisk autumn air was filled with warmth as warm hugs and furry jackets embraced them, conveying the heartfelt welcome from both leaders and members of the New Jersey Chapter. Following this affectionate reception, The Lord’s Flock family gathered at Otaiko, a Japanese restaurant, for a delightful welcome dinner. The evening was filled with catching-up on each other’s news, bonding, and camaraderie.  Soar and the team were briefed on the exciting events planned for their four-day visit, which will culminate in the New Jersey Chapter’s 25th Anniversary celebration.

Day 2: A Birthday Celebration, NJ Thanksgiving Mass, Praise & Worship

Bro Joey and Sis Joy Molina (Stewards of Las Vegas Chapter) arrived on the morning of Saturday, November 11, to join Soar in her mission on the East Coast. Their inaugural event was the 16th birthday celebration of Bro Jun and Sis Angie Raymundo’s triplets, Michaela, Gabriella, and Raphael, held at Galloping Hills in Union, New Jersey. The triplets were God’s true miracle and gift to them as Sis Angie had faced three prior miscarriages. Soar had prayed over Sis Angie, and with their unwavering faith, God blessed the couple with the triplets.

  The celebration at Galloping Hills was a joyous affair, brimming with laughter, delicious food, hugging moments, and hundreds of memorable photos. Amidst the festivities, Soar seized the opportunity to reconnect with former members of TLF New Jersey, who she had evangelized in the past. She encouraged them to return, thereby reigniting  their commitment to serve the Lord within the community and fostering a sense of renewal among all present.

Following the birthday celebration, the group proceeded to Our Lady of Victories  Parish for a Thanksgiving Mass presided over by OLV Pastor, Father Ralph Siendo. Known for leading the Healing Mass every 1st Sunday of the month, Father Ralph extended congratulations to the TLF NJ Chapter for reaching its 25th-year milestone as a community. He imparted a reminder to remain faithful to God and emphasized the importance of spreading love to every member of the community.

Subsequently, the NJ Chapter facilitated its weekly General Assembly in the lower church of Our Lady of Victories. The Praise and Worship session was led by Bro. Joey Molina, with Sis Joy Molina joining the NJ Psalm Ministry in uplifting and joyful music. Soar was the main speaker, and she shared   a teaching on “Obedience.”  The night proved to be beautiful, serving as a reminder that choosing to obey God without complaint and keeping the focus on Him leads to blessings in abundance.

Day 3: New Jersey Chapter 25th Anniversary Celebration

On a lovely Sunday, the TLF New Jersey (NJ) Chapter joyously celebrated its 25th Anniversary in Galloping Hills with members of  NJ and Brooklyn Chapters joining the fun. The formalities commenced with warm welcome remarks from Bro. Avel dela Pena, Steward of the New Jersey Chapter. This was followed by a congratulatory message and heart-felt toast led  by Bro. Froilan Hong.

The celebratory atmosphere continued with a sumptuous dinner, accompanied by a captivating video presentation that showcased the history of the Chapter – its humble beginnings, growth, and the journey leading to its silver anniversary. The video truly touched the audience who  reminisced the heartwarming moments which depicted the faithfulness and love of the members towards the community through the years.

Soar graced the occasion and shared a profound message. She urged everyone to embody a balance of “Martha and Mary” when serving God. As she highlighted, Martha’s generous hospitality and Mary’s attentive listening were both essential in their faith journey.

Thereafter, the elders, leaders, and spiritual adviser of TLF NJ Chapter were honored. Soar was honored with the prestigious Mama Mary Award for embodying love and purity of heart, and whole-hearted dedication to serving God. Tatay Bobby Rodriguez was recognized with the St. Joseph Award, symbolizing his strength and devotion as a father figure. On the other hand, Bro. Froilan Hong was awarded the St. Thomas Award, reflecting his significant role in the community’s growth and as a partner in mission. Lastly, Fr. Chris Panlilo, the Chapter’s spiritual adviser, was acknowledged for his exceptional preaching and encouragement to the TLF NJ Chapter.

Lastly, the program transitioned to a touching tribute to Soar through a beautiful song composed by Kris Ayuso of Dubai Chapter. The lyrics expressed gratitude and admiration for Soar’s role as a spiritual mother, shepherd of the flock, and the source of enduring love.

The program concluded on a joyful note, with dancing shoes hitting the dancefloor, marking the end of a fruitful celebration filled with love and warmth. The TLF NJ Chapter expressed readiness to embark on another 25 years of service and creating beautiful memories.

Day 4: New York City Visit

The following day, the TLF New Jersey members and leaders brought the Soar and the Mission Team to New York City. One of the highlights of this trip was the performance of the “Rekindle” dance at  the iconic Grand Central Station. In the bustling and magnificent station of the city that never sleeps, they joyously praised and danced for the Lord to the delight of the travellers.

Next stop was St. Patrick Cathedral to gather in prayer, seek God’s guidance, protection, and express gratitude for His goodness. Soar, Bro Froi, and Sis Alma indulged in the famous NY Tricycle ride, a second time for Soar and Bro Froi, and a first for Sis Alma. The city lights of the Big Apple added to the everyone’s enjoyment.

The day concluded with a unique dinner at Timeout, in  Dumbo, Brooklyn, where the the stewards of the Brooklyn Chapter, Sis Agnes, and Sis Ethel also joined. Soar shared insights from Paul’s teachings in Acts 20, emphasizing the importance of being vigilant against the enemy’s devouring tactics.

Soar’s 4-day mission in the East Coast left everyone in high spirits. They were reminded to focus on God, pray for discernment, seek His grace daily, and foster understanding and love among the members.  Indeed, the Chapters have been “ignited” to love and serve the Lord with more fervor in the coming years.

To God all be the Glory!

Written By: Sis. Krishy Gayatao-Ong (New Jersey Chapter; Scribes Ministry)




" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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