Elder’s Mission USA (Part 4): Setting-up of a New Chapter  San Francisco CA, March 9, 2024

It has always been one of the missions of The Lord’s Flock Elder-Founder Sis Techie “Soar” Rodriguez to plant communities internationally. Thus, Soar, accompanied by her mission team, Judith Almendrala (Serve Ministry) and Ted Torres (Send Ministry), came to San Francisco CA. to visit the Holy Family Catholic Church in Modesto, an hour, and a half drive from the airport. The main purpose of her visit was to support the establishment of the Lord’s Flock Modesto Chapter and meet with the Parish priest, Fr. Christudasan Varghese.

Thereafter, she conducted a prayer meeting inside the church, which was participated by the Daly City chapter led by Stewards Mai Garcia, Jocelyn Deauna, Divine Fernandez, and Mel Garcia, and the Sacramento chapter led by Stewards Derick Santiago, Lisa Santiago, and Rudy Bonifacio. In her teaching, Soar discussed storms in life.  God allows these storms to test the faith of each one and He always shows a way out of the storm (1 Corinthians 10:13). Furthermore, blessings are assured for those whose faith remains strong after the storm.

Richie Almendrala, a member of the Daly City Chapter, lives in Modesto and initiated the talks with the parish and will continue to move ahead after Soar’s visit. The prayer meeting ended with a message & blessing from Fr. Varghese. Everyone who attended the prayer meeting was truly inspired and encouraged!

The Chapter members hosted a sumptuous dinner which provided an opportunity for Fr. Varghese to get to know Soar and the Chapter members better.

Truly “in all things, God works for the good of those who love him” (Romans 8:28).

To God be the glory!


 Scribes Ministry:

Maireen Manalo Garcia

(Steward, Daly City Chapter)


" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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