Elder’s Mission USA Part 5C: Evangelization Amidst A Health Emergency New Jersey, March 16-17, 2024  

Sis. Techie “Soar” Rodriguez, Elder-Founder of The Lord’s Flock Charismatic Community arrived in New Jersey to conduct “FACING2024” to the East Coast Chapters (New Jersey, Brooklyn, Virgina).  On the afternoon of March 16, the leaders and members were all attentively listening to her introduction of the theme “IGNITE2024” when her mission had an unexpected turn. The audience observed that she was having difficulty speaking. While she persisted in speaking, she was experiencing shortness of breath; thus, the nurses from New Jersey and Brooklyn respectfully asked her to pause and they checked her vital signs. True enough, her blood pressure and body temperature were elevated.  The leaders and members became concerned and stopped the meeting to let her rest.  The next few hours were harrowing as her condition merited a trip to the emergency room; true to form, Soar did not let her sickness get in the way and took the opportunity to evangelize to the health professionals who were attending to her.

The nurses were alarmed when they saw that Soar’s blood pressure was 150/80 and her body temperature was at 100.4F. Soar immediately contacted her cardiologist, Dr. Marie Regala (a LF steward in Manila), who advised her to pause her teaching and take a rest.   There was a discussion about whether Soar should head straight to the hotel or have some dinner first.  It was finally decided that they should have a quick dinner because she was unable to eat well during the day. They dined at Mamak House, where they were joined by the Lauchengco couple, the US Mission Team, Judith and Ted, Avel Dela Pena (NJ Steward), Mervik and Krishy Ong, Cynthia Ordonez, and Marisol, a physical therapist called to address Soar’s stiff neck.


However, during the dinner, Soar once again felt weak and struggled to breathe. Cynthia Ordonez, Soar’s handmaid, insisted that she be taken to the hospital immediately. Hence, Soar was swiftly brought to Bayonne Medical Center Emergency Room, where she underwent a series of tests. These included a covid test, which returned negative results, an ECG which showed normal readings, and a chest CT Scan to rule out pulmonary embolism.  Lastly, the most concerning test was the cardiac enzyme test, which revealed elevated levels, indicating a potentially fatal risk of cardiac arrest. It was truly an intervention of God that Soar did not proceed directly to the hotel, or she could have had a serious problem.                  While all this was unfolding in the Emergency Room, Judith, Nenette, and Krishy wasted no time in sending messages to different group chats, rallying prayers for Soar’s healing and swift recovery. Simultaneously, the Global-In-Gathering was in progress in Manila, and Soar did not let her illness deter her from participating in the event. Instead, she went online to listen to Bro Froilan Hong’s topic “Ridding Your Home of Spiritual Darkness” and Joey Molina’s testimony related to the topic. She also took the opportunity to greet members of the community and requested continued prayers for her.

Soar’s evangelization among health professionals

On the early Sunday morning of March 17, between 1:30-2:00am, Soar was transferred to the more equipped RWJ Barnabas-Jersey City Medical Center via an ambulance. True to her identity as a woman of faith and a bearer of the word of God, Soar started to evangelize and share her faith with the three gentlemen present – two paramedics and a driver. They were astonished by Soar’s demeanor, remarking that she was the first patient they had encountered with such a positive outlook on life. They couldn’t believe that Soar, at 77 years old, seemed as youthful as a 30-year-old.

 Soar shared her mission and emphasized that she always carries the word of God. One of the paramedics, who previously doubted the existence of God, felt a profound change after listening to Soar’s words. They all felt God’s presence in Soar. Since one of the paramedics was Spanish and the other Puerto Rican, Soar humorously remarked that she had Spanish blood, and she added, “I can also have Puerto Rican blood.” When the paramedic inquired further, she jokingly responded this was via “blood transfusion,” eliciting laughter from all present.

Upon arrival at RWJ Barnabas-Jersey City Medical Center, Soar continued to share her life story, even evangelizing to the emergency nurse named Marvin; he started calling her Soar also, as he felt an instant connection with her. Instead of being referred to as patient #19 or Mrs. Rodriguez, most of the nurses called her “Soar.”  Despite the late hour, Soar received visitors from the NJ chapter who were very concerned about her condition.

Throughout her stay in the hospital, she remained unwavering in her faith, confidently proclaiming her imminent release and attributing her situation to the glory of the Lord. While a series of tests were made on her, the NJ leaders bid Soar goodbye to let her rest, except for Cynthia who stayed to monitor and take care of her.

At around 8 am on March 17, Krishy received a call from Cynthia requesting breakfast for  Soar. Krishy rushed to the hospital together with her husband Mervik, and they were surprised to see Soar look very well, as if nothing happened. Indeed, she was touched by the Lord.  As a woman of faith, Soar asked Krishy, Mervik, and Cynthia to gather around and they all gave praises to the Lord. She led a beautiful prayer which was followed by a worship song. They felt the presence of the Holy Spirit in the room and while the nurses were doing their routine check-up, they continued singing to the Lord. Indeed, she was deemed well and was discharged from the hospital.

Indeed, with Soar’s faith in the Lord, even amidst a health emergency, she keeps on spreading the word of God to people she encounters, proving once again that every person is her mission field. Subsequently, in the afternoon, Soar proceeded to share the Community’s thrust, “IGNITE 2024” with the East Coast Chapters, New Jersey, Brooklyn and Virginia.


To God be the Glory!!!

Scribes Ministry

Written by: Krishy Gayatao-Ong

(New Jersey Chapter Steward)



" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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