Lord’s Flock Bakersfield 20th Anniversary November 18, 2023

The Lord’s Flock Catholic Charismatic Community Bakersfield Chapter celebrated its 20th Founding Anniversary last November 18, 2023, at St. Philips the Apostle Church (the first parish to adopt the Community).  The platinum symbol for the vicennial anniversary aptly represented the strength and phenomenal growth of the Chapter as it weathered many challenges from its inception in 2003. Moreover, the event was especially blessed with the presence of TLF Elder-Founder Techie “Soar” Rodriguez who planted the seed and the Community vision 20 years ago. The joyful celebration was marked by a Eucharistic Mass, praise and worship, honoring of leaders, spectacular performances, fun games/raffle, and more importantly, renewal of relationships among the active and lapsed/inactive members (who were aggressively pursued by the core group and workers)


Eucharistic Mass

To commemorate the anniversary and to give back all the glory to the Master Conductor, the Lord Jesus Christ, a special mass was officiated by the Pastor of St. Philip the Apostle Church, Rev. Hector Lopez, V. F. He gave a very strong and inspiring message to the community: keep the faith, remain motivated in the Charismatic Movement, persevere amid uncertainties and weather the storms ahead.


After the mass, the festivities began at the beautifully decorated Logan Hall. The congregation warmly welcomed Soar and her Mission Team from Manila: Bro Froilan Hong (Co-Founder), Sis Judith Almendrala (Pastor Ministry), and Sis Alma Torres (Serve Ministry). They had been traveling all over the US, visiting and igniting the fire in the different chapters from coast to coast. They were in high spirits as they had just completed the successful International Retreat in Las Vegas before they arrived in Bakersfield. Soar and Bro Froi congratulated the Chapter on their anniversary and accomplishments. Soar specifically gave an inspiring message to keep the fire and passion for the Lord burning and be vigilant against the devices of the devil to lure them into spiritual slumber.

The talented Psalm Ministry led the joyful praise songs. The masters of ceremony, Sis. Marlyn Santos and Bro. Gerard Parayno, enthusiatically made the event very engaging, entertaining, and informative. There were exciting games, raffle prizes, and a beautifully choreographed dance number by the core group. Everyone enjoyed the delectable Filipino food and desserts, which included the star of the feast, the lechon.



One of the highlights of the event was the sharing of stories and testimonies from the pioneers in the community who were present at the maiden Spirit Empowerment Seminar (SES) held at the Kern County Museum on November 9, 2003: Sis Marlyn Santos , Bro Gerard Parayno , Sis Maureen Manalo Garcia, Sis Janeth de Guia, Sis Althea Dichoson, Sis Gigi Parayno, Bro Jon Santos and the mother figure in the community Sis

Mel Pandy.  They shared that the Chapter has not been spared from malicious talks,  criticism, and shaming. A few members have been lost but the vast majority, armed with a strong faith in God and a firm belief in the Community vision, have remained resilient and have driven the Community to be stronger and united.

Furthermore, the Bakersfield Chapter has gone beyond the needs of its own members.  It reaches out to serve communities: feeding the homeless, delivering  food to Covid victims, supporting a local monastery, extending assistance to natural calamity victims in the Philippines, and many  other outreach programs.

The accolade is well-deserved by the tireless servants who have fostered the Bakersfield Chapter’s evangelization expansion and maintained  its  integrity. These are former stewards –  Sis Ellen Guerrero, Sis Jen Tan, Sis Kat Carlos, Bro Raymond de Guia;  the current Stewards –  Sis Liza Fortun, Bro Gerard Parayno and Sis Marlyn Santos, as well as the past and current coordinators and the loyal workers.

To TLF Bakersfield chapter, a huge congratulations! May you continue to IGNITE the love and passion for service to the Lord!!!


To God be the glory!

Written by: Bro. Charles Magpali (TLF Bakersfield Chapter)






" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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