Zambales Chapter, May 22, 2022

Writer: Sis Chebelle Velasco, Baruch Ministry
Editor: Sis Vera I. Tuplano, Baruch Ministry

Thirty (30) new members of The Lord’s Flock Catholic Charismatic Community-Zambales Chapter attended the Maturing in the Spirit Seminar, held on May 22, 2022, at the Parish Hall of San Nicolas de Tolentino Parish in Castillejos, Zambales. This spiritual event was a continuation of the Spirit Empowerment Seminar (SES) aimed at fortifying one’s relationship with God through listening and reflecting on His Word.

The TLF speakers delivered the following spiritual / transformational teachings.

  1. Renewal of the Mind                    – Bro. Mel Velasco
  2. Power of the Word                           Sis. Judith Almendrala
  3. Faith that Moves Mountains       – Bro. Allan Almendrala
  4. Life of Obedience                             Bro. Allan Almendrala
  5. Turning Trials into Triumphs     – Sis. Judith Almendrala
  6. Keys to Powerful Prayer                 Bro. Boy Tan

Moreover, Sis. Grace Caringal exhorted about “Shield of Faith” to the 27 Small World members who attended the day’s Praise, Pray, and Play.

Similarly, Bro. Charlie Ordoñez of the SOWER Ministry and Bro. Boboy Luna of SEND ably supported the event. On the other hand, Bro. Jun, Sis Jennifer Agozar, and their children, also of SEND, coordinated the conduct of the MSS between the Lord’s Flock and the Parish. Sis. May Barcita of SERVE, was the event’s moderator.

As a recap, the Chapter’s Spirit Empowerment (SES) Seminar was held last April 30 and May

  1. This was followed by the Maturing in the Spirit Seminar, where topics during the SES were enhanced or intensified. The next phase is the Equipping the Saints Seminar.


To God be the   Glory!


" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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