MISSION USA – LA/Burbank Chapter Part2 June 13 – 16 2023

On June 13, Tuesday, Sis. Techie Rodriguez (The Lord’s Flock Elder-Founder), Bro. Froilan Hong (Co-Founder) along with Mission Team from Manila,  Sis. Judith Almendrala, Bro.Jess, Sis. Jo & Bro. Jomel Advincula flew back from Sacramento to Burbank, the homebase of Sis Techie’s siblings (Carmella, Marita and Mary).  On the same evening, Bro. Froilan and Sis. Techie conducted an Intercessory Training to the LF Chapter, led by Stewards: Sis. Janette Dequito, Sis. Monina Letargo and Bro.  Jimmy Esplanada.

The following day, Wednesday  (June 14)  was “Grow” teaching day. Everyone drove over to residence of Sis Techie’s niece & nephew, Charlotte and Chris, in  Sta. Clarita and  enjoyed the sumptuous pot-luck dinner while getting to know one another. Since it was Thursday morning in Manila, Sis Techie called to touch base with Execom who were having their regular meeting; the LA Chapter took the opportunity to sing  an early “Father’s Day” greeting to Tatay Bob.   Lastly, Sis. Techie shared two teachings, “Flattering Voices” and “What’s Underneath,” which are reminders to discern beyond the surface and ensure that the Word of God takes precedence in each one’s life.

Sis. Techie took the opportunity on Thursday to consult with her medical team in Los Angeles and obtain the necessary vaccines and medications to boost her health amidst the gruelling Mission schedule. Monina Letargo (LA Steward), Ernand Capisonda, and Lito Nuval accompanied Sis. Techie and team also in a bit shopping at the Citadel Outlet, dinner and sightseeing at the Palm Avenue, a popular afterwork dining place.

Friday is  a regular Praise and Worship evening for the LA Chapter, and they were blessed to have a face-to-face teaching by Sis Techie Rodriguez.  Her topic “Whose Voices are You Listening to? resonated with the members. Moreover, Fr. Alex Okundo-Ugba (Associate Pastor of the Holy Family Church) graced the meeting with a few words exhorting everyone to evangelize the youth who have been surrounded with various temptations. Finally, Sis. Janette Dequito (Steward of LA Chapter) led the honoring of all the fathers on the occasion of Father’s Day with an audio visual presentation, cake and gifts to the fathers. Lastly, a satisfying dinner was shared by everyone as members took the chance to interact with Sis. Techie, Bro. Froi and to  one another. Truly, a wonderful way to cap the week that was and be nourished for the weekend ahead.


To God be the Glory!

Written by: Sis Jo Advincula

Edited by: Sis Vera Tuplano





" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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