New Jersey Chapter Father’s Day Special and Small Group ‘the Alpha System”- May 17

On May 17, 2023, The Lord’s Flock New Jersey Chapter celebrated Father’s Day at Mamak Restaurant in Jersey City. Regardless of how Fathers are addressed:  Papa, Daddy, Pa, Dad, Itay, Tay, Ama, they  have always been the first heroes in our lives. They have consistently been there to guide us, though at times we would make poor decisions. Despite occasional disagreements, their support for us remains unwavering and unconditional, and we are truly grateful for their love. “Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them” (Prov. 13:24).

 The celebration was shared with a sumptuous meal, prizes, and giveaways for the fathers. We also surprised them with a video presentation that showed how grateful we have been to God. We have  firmly believed that when God gave us our Father, He knew exactly who we needed.

During this momentous event, Brother Avel Dela Pena, one of the Chapter stewards, announced the Small Group Groupings. We began with an opening prayer, followed by a joyful worship led by Sister Vee Subol. We were then divided into groups and applied what we learned from Sister Techie “Soar” Rodriguez’s training on conducting Small Group Discussions using the Alpha System. The topic assigned to us was “A Concern for the Lost.” It served as a beautiful reminder for us, members of the TLF Community, to express our concern for our lost brothers and sisters in Christ and to  take action to bring them back to God.

The event concluded with a Rekindle dance, in which everyone participated, both mothers and fathers. This dance symbolized the importance of keeping the flame of faith burning in our hearts, not just for ourselves but also for others. Instead of solely focusing on our own flame, we should seek out our lost brothers and sisters and share that flame with them, so that their relationship with our Heavenly Father may be rekindled.

Overall, it was a meaningful celebration that highlighted the love and gratitude we have for our fathers and the importance of spreading that love to others.


To God be the Glory!!


Written by : Sis Krishy Gayatao

Edited by :   Sis Vera I. Tuplano


" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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