Spiritual Empowerment Seminar & Healing Conference- UAE, December 2022

December 06-12, 2022

Rem Sagarino, Writer/Transcriber

 Scribes Ministry


For the second time this year (2022), The Lords Flock United Arab Emirates (TLF UAE) welcomed their Elder-Founder Techie Rodriguez (Sis Techie), and her Mission Team: Brothers Froilan Hong (Co-Founder) and Joey Molina (Head Steward Evangelize International/Steward Las Vegas Chapter); Sisters Joy Molina (Coordinator Special Events International/ Steward Las Vegas Chapter), Krishy Ong (Evangelize, Head Deputy Steward/ New Jersey Chapter), Judith Almendrala (NewGen, Deputy Head Steward), and Dr. Grace Pancho (Evangelize, Head Steward Manila). This follow-up international mission was intended for the Spiritual Empowerment Seminar (SES) and the Healing of Families, a two-day activity for TLF members and for all the Christian faithful here. TLF UAE members were also eager to share this powerful mission with their friends and acquaintances in the Christian communities and to announce this event to Catholic churches for the succeeding weeks. This momentous event with a planned string of activities was received with great anticipation from the TLF members and guests in preparation for the advent season.


December 6: Meet and Eat

TLF UAE welcomed the arrival of Sis Techie and the Mission Team at Terminal 2 Dubai Airport and shared meals at Nando’s DCC Branch before taking a rest from the eight-hour flight. All were grateful to God for their guests’ safe and smooth flight to Dubai.




December 7: A Quick tour of Abu Dhabi

The next day, Sis Techie and the Mission Team’s first order of business was to visit the capital city of the United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi (AUH).  Since the emergence of TLF members in the AUH, Sis Techie has been planning to visit the St. Joseph’s Church parish priest, Fr. Chito Bartolo, OFM to ask for his blessing and guidance of the TLF community.  The AUH stewards, Sis Dhes and Pat Inong, led the group on a tour of the city. They showed them the Louvre Art Museum. The visiting group feasted their eyes on the fascinating architectural structure, significant world history museum pieces, and world-famous art pieces of Leonardo Da Vinci, Monet, Vincent Van Gogh, and other artists from the 15th-19th Century of the East and West heritage. After the Louvre Art Museum, the group went to the Emirates Palace for a quick tour and afternoon coffee. Finally, they met the parish priest of St. Joseph Church and talked about the recently formed TLF AUH.



December 8: Leadership and Fellowship Dinner with TLF UAE Stewards and Coordinators

Sis Techie and the Mission Team met with all the TLF UAE leaders for a dinner leadership meeting. The TLF UAE leaders presented a song and dance number to welcome the Mission Team and to give a simple token of appreciation for their visit. After the sumptuous dinner, Sis Techie had a dialogue with the coordinators: their concerns, clarifications, and their roles. After the dialogue, everyone took a group photo and left early to rest for the 3-day Mission activity the next day.



December 9: Praise and Worship Assembly Night

With much anticipation from all the members of TLF UAE, the crowd was excited and joyful when they finally met the Mission Team for praise and worship night. It was also a delightful experience for TLF UAE that the Mission Team took charge of this activity.  Sis Krishy was the moderator, and Bro Joey Molina as the Praise and Worship Leader. Sis Techie shared an inspiring talk entitled “Panic Prayer”. In her message, she reminded believers in Christ to expect episodes of trials in their lives as a test of their faith. Indeed, it was a relevant topic for all the members as they could relate it to their personal experiences.


December 10: Spiritual Empowerment Seminar (SES)

On the second day event, TLF UAE members were in high spirits to experience the SES once again. They welcomed their guests and introduced them to other fellow members of the community. Dr. Grace Pancho led the program and started with the introduction of the TLF community. After the introduction, Bro Joey Molina and Sis Judith Almendrala warmed up the whole crowd with Praise and Worship songs.

At the start of the SES, Sis Techie Rodriguez introduced herself as a person transformed by the Holy Spirit. In her talk, she shared and described her past life as a person who thought she knew God, though she did not develop an authentic relationship with Him. She discriminately treated other  people and failed to respect even her loved ones. Everything changed when she accepted the Lord in her life. Her relationship with God led to the building of the Lord’s Flock community. By listening and obeying God’s word, she was led to the right path despite her struggles and difficulties. She announced that the message of the Lord was not exclusive to her, but it was intended for everyone.


Sis Techie invited the audience to seek God and to be reconciled to Him; they must surrender all that they have and completely trust in His word. She asked everyone to obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit and to be the light of the world.

After the SES, everyone felt blessed and truly grateful for Sis Techie. The members with their families, as well as the guests, were excited to have a quick chat and a prayer with her. After the group photo, everybody went home and prepared for the next day’s activity.


December 11: Family Healing Conference  

The last day was a full-packed event; this activity was the first for TLF UAE since everyone was curious and excited. Dr. Grace, Bro. Joey, Sis. Joy and Sis Judith were gracious enough to lead this activity again.


Bro. Froi discussed the biblical foundations which focused on the dynamics of blessings and curses of the family line. He enlightened the audience on how to understand the effects of their choices with respect to their relationship with the Lord.

After Bro. Froi’s talk, Sis Techie shared the different temptations and evils that we (Christians) have faced and how we should defeat them. She also showed videos of personal testimonies of fellow members who won their battle against their struggles in life. Consequently, she encouraged us to reconcile with God for our own sake and for our family. Our response to God’s call through faith is very important since God, through Jesus Christ, has already brought forth salvation to the world. Hence, we must do our share.

The final activity ended with a family prayer of healing and denouncement of past generational sins. The crowd renewed their commitment to Christ for themselves, and their family, both in the past and future. They felt spiritual closeness and oneness as God’s one holy family.

After the prayer of healing and protection for the family, the participants celebrated the event with songs and dances. It was a praise and worship of thanksgiving for God. Everybody was shouting for God’s mighty works through the name of His Son Jesus Christ. Lastly, the audience sang “When the Child was born” with Sis. Techie and Bro. Froi to celebrate the Christmas season.


December 12:  A Quick final shopping before departure to Manila

On their final day in Dubai, Sis. Techie and the Mission Team went to Day-to-Day Shopping Center to buy “pasalubong” for their loved ones. Sis Techie bought gifts and garments for her Manila staff and ministry. After shopping, everyone had lunch before heading to the Airport for check-in and departure. Sis Techie and the rest of the Mission Team bade goodbye before leaving for Manila. The TLF UAE team was grateful for their time and they wished for another mission in UAE.

May the Lord God continue to bless The Lord’s Flock community!

To God be the Glory!


Edited by Sis Vera I. Tuplano, Scribes Ministry


" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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