On July 12, 2024, The Lord’s Flock Catholic Charismatic Community Bislig Chapter held a Praise and Worship Concert at the St. Peter and Paul Quasi-Parish, Lawigan, Bislig City during the first night of their 3-day Parish Youth Congress. Despite the challenge of the distance of the venue and some technical problems, the Lord God still favored the event and made it victorious as always. Through His provisions, the concert undoubtedly ignited the spirit of everyone and gave the youth an unforgettable experience with the Lord.

The Outset and Rehearsals

Apparently, this has been the third invitation of the Lawigan Parish Youth Apostolate (PYA) to TLF Bislig. The first and second invitations had been cancelled due to valid reasons. With the guidance of the Lord and with the collaboration of the PYA Leader Aisa Sangahan and Glicerio Urdaneta – one of the stewards of TLF Bislig Chapter, the third invitation to the concert has been finally concluded. A series of rehearsals and revisions of the song line-up were done to give the best service for the Lord. The workers didn’t hesitate to ask for the grace of God through the Holy Spirit and avoided relying on their own abilities.

Concert Proper

Fr. Yuri, one of the Lawigan Parish’s Priests and the PYA Youth Adviser, personally gave a free ride for the workers of TLf Bislig and gave them a warm welcome and a delectable dinner. It was evident during the concert that the youths were really rooting for this event to happen; they couldn’t hide their excitement since it was their first time to experience a praise and worship concert.  They were so energized that they joined the TLF dancers in dancing and singing to the Lord with the help of the lyrics flashed on the TV.  The songs, “When You Speak, Praise, Real Love, Nothing is Impossible, Jesus at the Center, I Am free, One Way, and Lord You Are Good” were truly felt and enjoyed by everyone during the concert.


Words of Gratitude and Appreciation

Bro. Undo ended the concert on behalf of TLF Bislig members by extending their appreciation to Fr. Yuri for the opportunity to serve in the parish event. He also reminisced the time when Fr. Yuri graced the invitation from the community to celebrate the Holy Mass during the 25th Anniversary of TLF Bislig.


To God be the Glory.


SCRIBES Ministry

Written by:

Edgever Bonghanoy (Bislig Chapter)





" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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