On June 8, 2024, The Lord’s Flock Catholic Charismatic Community Bislig Chapter held a Summer Outing cum Team Building activity that was attended by its members and workers at Josefina Beach, Lawigan, Bislig City. This gathering aimed to enrich the relationship and camaraderie among the workers and members through fun team games, “salo-salo” (eating together) and conversations. The praise and worship songs inspired the members to build an in-depth relationship with God. Indeed, it was an amazing and memorable experience for all members and workers.

The Preparation

With the guidance and initiatives of the stewards of TLF Bislig Chapter, Glicerio and Kindle Urdaneta, Gerald and Misai Pastelero, the holding once again of this TLF Summer Outing and Team Building, after 3 years of hiatus due to the pandemic, was finally decided. Several meetings were conducted for this awaited event; they started with an Upper Room session and Bible sharing to prepare the hearts and minds of the members, and to ask for the grace of God through the Holy Spirit. During the meetings, the core group of leaders were eager to make this event successful and victorious as they listened attentively and actively participated with their suggestions.


The Day of the Event

The leaders’ efforts paid off amidst minor problems on the day of the event; they proved that God provides as it says in Philippians 4:19, that God will meet all our needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.

All the members were grouped into four (4) teams by the game masters, Dernie, Kindle and Advic. The teams were really competitive to win the mystery prizes. One of the games was “Charades;” the teams had to guess the title of the praise and worship songs based on the actions performed by the game master. This game really tested the familiarity of the members with religious songs. Another game was the “Message Relay” wherein the last player of each team must utter the right message, i.e. the complete Bible Verse to the game master. This game was quite easy for almost all teams, especially for the stewards who had significant knowledge of the words of God through their diligent reading of the scriptures. The next game was called “Paint me a Picture” and the teams had to portray a scene or an event (e.g. Jesus’ crucifixion, a birthday celebration, an addict, a pregnant woman in labor/childbirth, and a war). All the teams really enjoyed the games and were delighted with the prizes that they received. Unexpectedly, another game was added, called “Song Mashup Challenge!”  All the members were grouped into two, and they had to sing songs based on a given solitary beat. This game drew the teams closer as they had to cooperate with one another to win the game.

Truly, the summer outing and team building made the vacation of the workers a memorable one before they went back to their hometowns. Moreover, this event had a positive impact on everyone and cultivated enthusiasm in their hearts to be part of the TLF Community.

To God be the Glory.

Written by:

Edgever Bonghanoy (Bislig Chapter)


" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "

- John 3:16

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